Monday, April 10th Weiser Mayor Randy Hibberd and the City Council created a new committee titled, Design Committee. The Design Committee will meet and look at new developments coming into Weiser and will offer suggestions to developers on overall design and aesthetics. Hibberd stated, “They would make suggestions and at this point, it’s just suggestions on things they would like to see.” Later Hibbered shared that currently the committee’s suggestions are not enforceable and would not slow down or stop development. Hibbered would like to see this committee “making recommendations for overlay designs and requirements for landscaping and signage and facets and that sort of thing to the city code” in the future.
Mayor Hibberd told the council that this new committee would be looking at the development agreements and making suggestions for the possible new Maverick and RV Park/Campground being developed, stating, “This is the entry way into the city and we would like to have it have a nice Weiser feel to it.”
This committee will be following open meeting laws. Meeting will be posted and recorded. During April’s city council meeting the members of the council approved the creation of the new committee and the Mayor’s appointments to the committee. The following have been appointed with the exception of one position being open for a business person that has not yet been filled:
Mark Christensen- Planning & Zoning
Mike Zerah- Citizen
Sterling Blackwell- Weiser City Council
Diane Christiansen- Garden Club
Tony Edmondson – Historical Society
City Council member and Design Committee member Sterling Blackwell shared “I think this group of individuals is excited at the idea of providing more direction for developments that want to come into town and being able to say this is what we want Weiser to look like.”