
Weiser High’s Kaleb Grove Signed a Letter of Intent to Wrestle and Play Football for Northwestern College

Weiser High Senior Kaleb Grove will be heading to the state of Iowa to attend Northwestern College where he has signed a letter committing to play football and wrestle for the college. 

When asked why he chose Northwestern Grove shared, “I love the feel of the town. It’s a town very similar to Weiser in size. The school is almost like a bigger high school with how involved everyone is. They have a lot of great programs, it’s a great school and it has super nice facilities.”

Grove had been speaking with Northwestern’s wrestling coach for about a year and after his planned visit to tour the school he walked away with not only plans to wrestle for the school, but to also play football for Northwestern, “Originally I was just going to go for wrestling. When I went out there to visit, for wrestling, they gave me my itinerary and the first thing on the list was a meeting with the head football coach. That was a surprise to me, I had no clue about this.” The Northwestern wrestling coach had spoken with the school’s football coach about Grove and suggested he play on the football team. The football coach looked Grove up and offered him a spot on the team when he came to visit the school.

Grove shared that wrestling was a sport he just recently came to love. He began wrestling in middle school and with the encouragement from Coach Drew Dickerson, continued wrestling in high school, “Even up until sophomore year I wasn’t  even really sure I was all for wrestling. Junior year was when it clicked and I was all, I love this, this is what I really want to do,” stated Grove. He spoke highly of the coaches that have helped him over his high school career sharing, “Coach Drew Dickerson has been an incredible source for me. Anything I have ever needed he has been there for me. He is the one who kept me in wrestling in my freshman and sophomore years when I really didn’t think that wrestling was what I wanted to do. I am really grateful for him. Coach Bo, again anything I have ever needed he has been there for me. And that’s whether it was baseball, football or wrestling. He sorta has coached me all four years and he is really important to me.”

Grove plans to study Ag Business and Business Administrative Marketing. Grove shared that he didn’t know what specific job he wanted but that he wanted to be in the Ag field and he feels both those degrees would help him in that direction. Grove is excited to attend Northwestern and see where his future takes him. Even though the school is across the nation from his hometown he shared that since he was about ten he had wanted to travel away from home to attend school, that he wanted to be able to experience new places. 

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