On the latest installment of “A Great Day with Hunter Mizar,” the spotlight is on Kip Hicks, a man whose life journey has taken him through diverse roles.
Hicks initially made his mark in Weiser, serving as the associate pastor at the Weiser Community Church in 2014. Transitioning gears, he ventured into education, becoming an Auto Shop teacher at Weiser High School in 2017. However, fate had more twists in store for him.
In 2019, Hicks embarked on a new path, joining the Washington County posse, a role that saw him serving his community in law enforcement. Yet, amidst these changes, his dedication to his faith remained unwavering. Balancing his commitments, he continued to serve part-time as a pastor.
Family circumstances led Hicks to bid farewell to teaching, embracing a role with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Yet, the call to ministry persisted, and now, with the retirement of Steve Penner, Hicks assumes a role as co-pastor of the Weiser Community Church, alongside Jon Lerew.
Beyond his professional endeavors, music has always been a cornerstone of Hicks’s life, particularly in the realm of worship. A couple of his songs can be found on Spotify under his name, Kip Hicks.
Hicks’s journey shows the fluidity of life’s paths and the unwavering commitment to one’s calling, whether it be in service to community, faith, or artistic expression.
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