By Stephen F. Fenske, Program Director of Arrow-Heart Adventure Camps
On February 23rd, Arrow-Heart teens performed their first 2016 Community Service Fundraiser at the Weiser Little Theater. The teen’s parents along with the help of our Fundraising Chairman, Linda Fenske and coaches prepared the desserts. The teens and Mentors served the attending guests.
On the 16th of March, Weiser Little Theater’s President of the Board of Directors, Dianne Kinney presented to our teens a check in the amount of $812.00 from the proceeds of that night’s event.
In addition, Arrow-Heart Adventure Camps and Weiser Classic Candy came together to produce four delicious candy bars. The teens have over a 1000 candy bars to sell to their community to help raise future funds for the non-profit program.
I’m so very proud of our new team of teens and their demonstration of one of most important of our “6-C’s”, COMPASSION (at Weiser High School’s Cabin Fever Night).