By Nate Estes
We held our Baked Potato Bar fundraiser last night, and it was lot’s of fun. We served 50 guests, had a great meal and there were a lot of happy conversations as our diners enjoyed each other’s company. It just doesn’t get much better than this.
Of course any successful fundraiser has many hands to help keep everything rolling smoothly. It is with much gratitude that I acknowledge the following individuals for their support. Rex Hall, Donna Talbot, Dana Munden, Kay Van Order, Charlie Caruso, Dale and Sandy Barton and Lorraine Farrens. Thank all of you for your efforts in making our Baked Potato Bar a success.
Our marketing committee has a couple of opportunities scheduled in March to get you out of the house and have some good old fashioned fun. On Thursday, March 6th from 6 until 8PM we are playing BINGO! All ages and stages are welcome. Kids, parents, singles, and grandparents are welcome; you don’t have to be a member to come and have fun. It’s a “family date night” at the senior center.
On Thursday, March 14th, they have planned a Pi Sale from 3 to 6ish. Another opportunity for you to impress your loved ones with a homemade pie. I don’t know all the particulars yet, but I will bring you up to speed as soon as I can. Or, for more information you can call Lynda Yoder at 907-252-2014.
Other regular activities Happening here are: Chair Yoga every Tuesday and Thursday Morning at 10:30 AM; Monthly Board Meeting on the second Wednesday of every month; Food Pantry on the third Wednesday of each month; Shopping trip to Ontario on the third Thursday of each month and a Foot Clinic on the fourth Monday of every month. For more particulars, please call, 208-257-3358.
MENU for the weeks March 7, thru March 14:
Friday, March 7 (at noon): Taco Salad, with all the trimmings, Corn Chips, Peaches and Berries, and Cherry CheeseCake.
Wednesday, March 12 (at noon): Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner.
with Carrots, Potatoes, Biscuits, Green Salad, Apricots and Marbled Chocolate Bars.
Friday, March 14 (at noon): Macaroni and Cheese,
stewed Tomatoes, Bran Muffins, Green Salad and dessert