
County Commissioners of Washington County Minutes Of August 9, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet
this 9th day of August 2021.

Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines, present;
and Nate Marvin, present.
Nate Marvin opened the meeting and Kirk Chandler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Nate Marvin gave the invocation.

Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.
Chandler and Marvin stated they attended the County Fair last week. There was general discussion of the activities at the fair.

The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of August 2, 2021 were approved as amended.

The claims, audited by the Auditor, were presented and reviewed by the Board. All
credit card claims were reviewed.
The Auditor was authorized to issue warrants totaling $142,735.58 for general expenses by a motion of Lyndon Haines, seconded by Kirk Chandler. Motion carried.

Dahlia Stender, Juvenile Probation Supervisor, met with the Board. Stender informed the Board she and Juan Sanchez have received scholarships to attend the Idaho Juvenile Justice Association Conference in September. Stender stated the conference will be held virtually. Stender reported she was selected to attend the Transformation of Youth Justice Symposium in Nashville with other juvenile justice professionals in Idaho. The Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission and Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections are sponsoring attendees to the conference. Stender stated the focus of the conference will be the deinstitutionalization of offenders status that is one of the four core requirements that Idaho is not in compliance with and it does affect federal funding. Stender discussed the Idaho Children’s Trust fund. Stender stated the Trust Fund Board had reviewed fifty-two applications for requests for ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds. Stender informed the Board that $129,000.00 was awarded and every district received funding. The focus was on higher need areas and rural communities. Awards were given for childcare, food pantries, and hygiene products.
Stender provided a department update and stated there are currently nine pending cases with one juvenile in state custody and one in detention since July 21, 2021. Stender informed the Board that juveniles continue to assist with the Love, Inc, garden, senior center meals, and food distribution. Stender stated mentoring services are continuing for three juveniles as well as one juvenile participating in horse therapy. Stender stated three juveniles are accessing substance use counseling at Payette Family Services.

Tony Buthman, Emergency Manager, met with the Board. Buthman provided an update on the drought statewide. Buthman discussed the 4H Preparedness Club and stated the courses have been completed. Buthman informed the Board the LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) meetings have been poorly attended. The next meeting is scheduled for September 16, 2021 in Cambridge.
Buthman discussed grant funding and possibly using the funds to purchase two 10,000- watt generators. Buthman informed the Board that many items are unavailable for 6 months.
Buthman informed the Board that Harvey Braun had inquired about AED (Automated
External Defibrillator) units for the fairgrounds. Buthman stated he would research the matter.

Mark Fahey, James Bobst, and Kit Kamo met with the Board. Also present was Patrick
Nauman, Kristen Nieskens, Jerry Miller, and Nancy Williams.
Mark Fahey and James Bobst addressed the Board. Fahey provided a brief company
history to the Board. Fahey stated that the Pacific Fibre Products have been in business since 1981 and currently operate in Washington and Oregon. Fahey stated the property purchase will be completed in August and hopes to have product by the first of the 2022 year. Fahey discussed proposed wages and benefits available to employees of the company. Fahey informed the Board a portion of the proposed site is owned by the Union Pacific Railroad. Fahey requested consideration for a property tax exemption from the Board. James Bobst addressed the Board. Bobst stated they are a family owned company and are excited to bring the company to Washington County.
Marvin stated that the Board has previously granted property tax exemptions to new
companies at 100% for 3 years with 50% for the following 2 years. Marvin stated the
application is available through the assessors office.
Fahey stated they had previously met with Planning and Zoning Administrator, Bonnie
Brent; Building Inspector, Steve Pierson and James MacDonald with the Weiser Area
Rural Fire Department.

Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board. Walker presented a Public
Defender Contract between Washington County and Tyler Rounds of the law firm
Koonce Rounds, PC to the Board for review.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to allow the Chairman to sign the
Public Defender Contract between Washington County and Tyler Rounds of the law firm Koonce Rounds, PC. Motion carried unanimous.
Walker stated that he requested Atwood to forward an email to the Board of the proposed changes to County Code from the firm Givins Pursley. Walker stated he had received comments back from Planning and Zoning Administrator, Bonnie Brent, regarding the changes.
Walker reported he has a meeting with Brad Masingill regarding Lance Hoch. Walker
stated he did not know whom Masingill is representing.
Walker discussed last week’s meeting with Joe Kulp. Walker reiterated that Kulp was
instructed to appeal the decision of Planning and Zoning Administrator, Bonnie Brent, to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Walker discussed the desires of long time county residents versus persons who have moved to the county.
Marvin discussed the Woodcock decision.
Walker stated that after the Woodcock decision, the code was changed slightly.
Haines discussed the desire to preserve agricultural land. Haines stated he believed the code could have the ability to allow growth as well as preserve Ag land.
Chandler stated that as a county, they cannot put in regulations that take away personal property rights.

Walker stated that “if you asked that directly to Givens Pursley, they would say you can regulate if it has a higher purpose such as preserving agricultural land. So in the Impact Zone, I think what you are saying is right, but not out in the country.” It was agreed that Cities do adjust the impact area as development occurs.
Walker stated the Planning and Zoning Administrator has received a lot of feedback
because of the Lancaster decision. Walker stated the Administrator has the initial
decision in making power.
Chandler stated it has to be guided by the code. The Administrator does not have the
authority to make a decision that is not in code.
Walker stated the Lancaster decision was an administrative decision that in that scenario made sense. Weiser could grow to the area of Gentry Lane in the future. From an administrative point, the request from Kulp is a different situation. Walker stated that as Kulp was informed last week that the code is in limbo at this time while it is being reviewed. Walker stated there are already six homes on Gentry Lane. What Lancaster received did not change county code. Lancaster still needs to apply for building permits that could be denied. Lancaster would then have the option to appeal. The Highway 95 corridor is the designated area for growth per the Comprehensive Plan. Brent was directed to make an administrative decision. There is a difference between Lancaster, Woodcock, and Kulp. Walker stated they are all different. Lancaster applied for a rezone; Woodcock applied to keep the subject property A1; Kulp has not submitted an application at this time.
Chandler stated Kulp could sell lots and a single-family dwelling if allowed on 20 acres
or larger. Chandler stated that if you have to apply for a building permit on A1 Ag, it
should be a Special Use.
Marvin stated per the firm, Givins Pursley, you have to read the whole code; you cannot just read one sentence of the code.
Walker stated every person has to apply for a building permit. The County does not grant building permits. Everyone has to apply through the Planning and Zoning office. There are no restrictions on Ag splits, but that does not guarantee a building permit.
Haines stated he did not believe the desire of the members of the Board are not that
different. Haines stated that people’s property rights should be protected while making sure the county grows in a way that the taxpayer does not end up paying for growth.
Growth should pay for itself.

Walker discussed the previous application filed by Smith that was denied. Smith did not appeal the decision. The application included larger parcels and a 5-acre parcel. There was a basis for denial as it was not over 20 acres.
Haines inquired as to addressing homes for ranch workers.
Walker stated that is allowed under the current code. The home is part of the ranch.

Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board. Brent discussed the Keller Agreement with the Board.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to allow the Chairman to sign the
Professional Services Agreement with Keller Associates, Inc. Motion carried unanimous.
Brent reported she had spoke with Elsa Freeman regarding last week’s rezone decision.

Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to recess as the Board of Washington
County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Luke Smith, Ambulance District Director, met with the Board. Order No. 21-36 for
general expenses in the amount of $267.60 was presented to the Board for review.
Smith reported the Ambulance District had nineteen calls for service last week, including five transfers and five public assists/refusals for care.
Smith presented the Request for Bids (RFB) from Sawtooth Emergency Vehicles for the new ambulance. Smith also presented the Notification of RFB award letter and Sales Agreement for the ambulance purchase to the Board for review.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve Order No. 21-36 for
general expenses in the amount of $267.60. Motion carried unanimous.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to accept the RFB award notification letter. Motion carried unanimous.

Luke Smith presented the expense plan to pay for the paramedic student to attend training in Boston. Smith suggested providing a pre-paid credit card to cover travel expenses for Maldonado who will be attending “boot camp”. Receipts will be kept and turned in to the District.
Smith requested direction on a time limit in obtaining the EMT license for those who
enrolled in the training. The Board encouraged Smith to work with each student
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to recess as the Board of the Weiser
Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.

Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms
presented a demand $3,256.70 for a heater/air conditioner unit.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve the demand warrant payable to Peak Thermo King in the amount of $3,256.70. Motion carried unanimous.
Odoms reported work on Goodrich Road is nearing completion.
Odoms discussed the Employee Appreciation BBQ. Odoms stated he had received quotes for two caterers. The expected cost is between $2,340.00 and $2,080.00 plus gratuity of 18%. The Board requested Odoms contact other caterers before making a final decision.
Marvin discussed Rock Creek Bridge. Marvin inquired if repairs were needed and if the
Road and Bridge crew could do the repairs.
Odoms reported he had a discussion with a landowner regarding the water standing near Cove Road. Odoms informed the Board that this is a regular occurrence.
Odoms stated road grading continues and six cattle guards were repaired last week. There was discussion of possibly using concrete cattle guards in the future. Odoms will look into the matter.
Odoms informed the Board he was contacted by the Sheriff regarding speed limit signs on Airport Road. Odoms stated counters could be put out and a speed/traffic study would be conducted. The Board agreed to set the speed limit on Sunnyside and Airport Roads at 35 MPH. Clabby and Krause Road will remain 25 MPH.

Motion made by Nate Marvin seconded by Kirk Chandler and unanimously carried to
recess at 11:49 a.m. until August 16, 2021 at 8:45 a.m.

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners



A full audio recording of the Commissioner Meeting is available at the Clerk’s Office
upon request.

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