
A Change For Christmas

December 19, 2023

By Casey Hoskins

I am starting today’s article with thoughts of Christmas but without an idea on which direction to take it. Do we talk about traditions, gratitude, reflection…or do I just wish you a merry one and call it good? That last one feels a little phoned-in. Let’s see where this goes.

I spent last Sunday with my daughter traipsing around Boise and eventually ending our trip in Nampa to wish my mom a happy birthday. It was a really good day. Lots of laughing, good conversation, and joy. We saw lots of things we would like, dreamed about our perfect kitchens in the homes we have yet to buy, it was fun. None of it really felt like Christmas though, save the long lines in every store. I assume there was Christmas music on in the stores we visited but I didn’t hear it, even the line for Santa didn’t give me any of those Jingle Bell vibes I usually get the week before this momentous holiday.

The truth is, our family is a bit disjointed right now. Our kids are grown and their need for us or this holiday doesn’t look the same as it did in years past. We’ve had moments of Christmas in our house but it certainly hasn’t been an entire season of it and I am not sure I mind it. There will come a time when our house will be full again but right now I think we are meant to be quiet. To let the changes that have happened and are still happening sink in and be celebrated. We raised 3 wonderful humans that have the good sense to only ask for two or three things on their Christmas list. My husband is struggling with the fact that we have bought so little for them this year but they are getting exactly what they put on their lists so I am good. He’ll get over it…in January…when he is not paying a huge credit card bill.

I guess I chose a theme after all; gratitude. It is, along with hope, what makes the world go round. We have what we need, we have each other, and we have a beautiful Christmas tree that I can sit quietly with on Christmas morning. There are blessings all around and I bet, if you look even with slight effort, that you’ll see them too.

I really do wish you a merry Christmas but if it cannot be that then I wish you one with hope. December 26th will arrive, your daily life will resume, and the thought of next Christmas will always find a smile on your face. Merry Christmas friend.

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