By Kahren Davis, Coordinator – St. Luke’s Coalition for Drug Free Youth
Spring time brings the Weiser High School (WHS) Prom event at the Vendome in downtown Weiser on April 16th from 8 to 11 pm. Prom Committee Advisor, Michelle Chavez, reported the theme as “Foot Loose” with a DJ hired to direct the music and “fantastic” light show. The decorating committee opted for simple decorations to match the theme.
April is also Alcohol Awareness Month so St. Luke’s Coalition for Drug Free Youth (SLCDFY) has partnered with WHS this year to help ensure this event proves to be safe as well as memorable. Thanks to a mini-grant awarded by Idaho State Liquor Division, SLCDFY will assist WHS to have an alcohol-free and substance-free Prom night. Thanks to this funding, SLCDFY will provide an opportunity for eight qualifying Prom attendees will learn who the award winners are that night.
How do the students qualify for this drawing? They have to participate in two important interactions. First, they engage in an evidence-based “Drunk Buster” goggles impairment-simulation learning activity and complete a quiz to increase their awareness regarding the perils of underage drinking, as well as drinking and driving. Second, on the night of the Prom, the students take a breathalyzer test with WHS Resource School Officer (RSO), Chris Hagans. This close inspection by Officer Hagans has proved to also deter prescription and illicit drug abuse. WHS Principal Davies suggested this activity due to its effectiveness in the past. It also provides a solid reason for students to say “No” to the adverse and, all too often, life threatening “rite of passage” of getting drunk on Prom night. As SLCDFY members state, “It’s slick to defy the trends of addiction”.
This funding from the Idaho State Liquor Division enabled SLCDFY to purchase the Drunk Buster goggles, “Impairment Match Game”, evidence-based protocol CD and money for the gift certificates for WHS students and an adult-sized Hot Wheel (The Bailey at The Bailey will be used in an obstacle course using the impairment-simulation goggles to demonstrate the lack of coordination experienced when driving under the influence of alcohol. These same activities are planned in the future with Payette and Fruitland High Schools.
This will be a safe and memorable night as our educated and aware WHS students make wise choices that will prevent them from becoming addicted to any substance. Smart choices will enable them to become unstoppable in their future lives as responsible and progressive adults. Our Coalition for Drug Free Youth wishes them the highest success and happiness in their lives!