As a cancer warrior I have participated in many 5K/1 mile walk/runs so I could be a part of something that likeminded people participated in, we had the same emotional rollercoaster rides and could lift one another up in encouragement. Coming up in just a few weeks, September 12 to be exact, Angel Wings Network is holding our annual 5K/1mile walk/run fundraiser and I cannot wait to walk it. You see, it’s personal when it comes to this event. I know most of the survivor/warriors personally; I have held hands and driven many of the patients that go through our system and so I walk. I have cried along with family and friends for those we have lost and so I walk, I have encouraged family members to hang in there and so I walk. I have encouraged cancer patients to try and talk to their family about what they are feeling and so I walk. The list goes on and most very dear to my heart, is that Angel Wings Network has become my other family, and so I walk. I have heard so many times that “money is the reason they do all of this”, and although money is unfortunately a part of it, that is not the main focus. The main focus is to invite the survivor/warriors to come have a special day of celebration and to those families that have lost, to come and be around supporters who know and feel what they are feeling. Now back to the money part, I know ahead of time that this is a fundraiser so let me tell you what we are raising funds for. Angel Wings Network is a nonprofit organization with all volunteers and only one part-time paid employee, we provide gas cards for patients, we transport patients from all over the local counties to numerous facilities for appointments, chemotherapy and radiation, we have people who volunteer at St. Alphonsus, Ontario every single Wednesday from early morning until afternoon giving hand and neck massages, ministering to patients and handing out prayer blankets, we go out to numerous events to raise awareness and get our name out so that those lost and hurting from a cancer diagnosis know who to reach out to, we have an office with an open door so that patients and/or family can stop in and ask a question or get help with a problem or maybe cry on a caring shoulder. Now back to
the money part, unfortunately it takes money to do all these things for the patients and so Angel Wings Network holds two major fundraisers a year and one is the September 12th event. We have major sponsors that cover the cost of running the event and this year is the start of something even bigger. TVCC will be holding their invitational there and run right before we get going. They have 7-9 teams registered with the farthest coming from Vancouver. We will be giving survivor/warriors a medallion when they cross the finish line, we have a survivor/warrior tent with goody bags for survivors and a silent auction, there will be food and fun for everyone, prizes for best dressed Rosie the Riveter and Rocky Balboa, pets dressed up, music and the list goes on. So grab your friends and family and get signed up and come spend the day for a very worthy cause in love and support. Either go online at and register, call our office at 209-414-9464 or just go into the office at 442 State Street in Weiser and get signed up. I hope to see you all there. Together we can