By Laurel Adams
We are doing it again, y’all! On October 1st, Mortimer’s Island will once
again come to life with the crowd pleasing, truck roaring mayhem that is the 18th
Annual Weiser Mud Drag races!
As always, driver gate opens at 6am, where all our racers will get ‘tech’d’ in,
fill out entry forms, and give each other lots of grief. Our people will divide them
up into classes and make sure they’re good to run. Spectators will start coming in
when the gates open at 9am (6 and under free!) and we expect to fill up FAST.
Driver meeting at 10:30 followed by races at 11am and from then on it’s gonna
get LOUD.
Kids Dash For Cash, the Adult Dirty Dash, Tug of War, Beer Garden, all our
amazing vendors … this is going to be SO much fun!! Oh, and if your kids are
entering the Dash for Cash, you’ll want a big garbage bag or two to protect your
vehicle on the trip home. You’ve been warned. ;c)
And the FOOD—OMGoodness! Please remember we want our vendors to
do well too so please—NO OUTSIDE COOLERS. Do remember your sunscreen, bug
spray, and lawn chairs.

If you can, please leave your dogs at home where it’s cool and quiet. There
are a lot of very loud things happening and some just don’t handle it well. If you
must, all dogs have to be on leashes at all times.
Couldn’t do this without the amazing Weiser Mud Committee (we have
some new faces this year!!) and the Weiser Chamber of Commerce. We get bigger
and badder every year and while the drivers and spectators do more than their
share—bless them—our incredible people are working like crazy to get ‘er done
too. If you see someone in a pink t-shirt, say thank you! If you see someone wear-
ing a fire department shirt – thank them too! And the Weiser Ambulance crew!
And Weiser City Police! Heck, thank everyone! We sure do!