
Around Midvale by Elsie Coburn

From Bonnie Evans…The Evans house was full of happy grandkid noise for five days while son Ed and Jessica went back home to Moscow for a “stacation”.  They picked up their children from Steve and Bonnie’s on Tuesday.  The kids helped the “old people” move furniture, did dishes and helped get meals on the table.  On Monday Bonnie’s sister, Ina and Jim Schneider of Nampa, brought their grandson DJ Swanson to enjoy the BBQ and swimming with the family.

Midvale Pool Note…Johnny Piper reports that he received a call from a pool patron who arrived  late one evening for the adult swimming time scheduled from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and found that the pool had closed.  Johnny asks that if you plan to arrive after 7:00, please call  the pool at 355-2616 and he will keep it open for you.

Pictured enjoying the Midvale BBQ…Michael and Linda Clapier and Pam and Doug Clapier  
 During the annual July 4th BBQ, Michael Clapier of Salt Lake City waxed eloquent on the delicious dinner and accompanying festivities as they enjoyed inner with brother and sister-in-law, Doug and Pam Clapier of Midvale.
 One of many quotes from Michael was, “Midvale is what America was…a wonderful place! We could tell America about Midvale, but then everyone would come!”  His lovely wife Linda added,  â€śIt was nice to be here!”  When told about Midvale’s revitalization plans, Michael offered another motto for the town, “Rediscover America’s Values!”
 Odds and Ends from the Midvale July Fourth Celebration….Kathie Gladhart’s quote, “I Enjoyed being a civilian this year. The team did a good job! Everything is more fun and tastes better when you have served on the pool board and know how much work it is!”

Melissa Stiff and boys were surprised by another visit from Daaron Hamilton of Colfax, Washington, who came back to enjoy a good old fashioned Fourth of July.  Also ran into Deb Horn of Weiser, who is our “mail lady,” and her grandson Nicholas of Weiser who is spending a week with Grandma.

Jack and Elsie Coburn were pleasantly surprised also by a short visit at the end of the Midvale festivities when their grandson Alex and his friend Tierney of Boise stopped by on their return from a visit to McCall.

Folks who set up at the annual “Art in the Park, “organized by Sharon Widener  especially enjoyed the beautiful weather with temperatures  in the 80’s,  a cooling breeze and lovely shade.  Sharon reports, “Those who had booths had a good time and the event raised $52.50 each for the Community Partners and the Midvale Pool!” She adds, “I’m hoping for more time to plan a larger venue next year.”.

Shirley Williams displayed a number of her lovely paintings on sale for the first time ever.  She says she has given most of her paintings to family members and wants to do some more paintings but needs to sell some first. Shirley is obviously an accomplished “multi-tasker” as she was busily cutting out little crosses to be used in the Midvale Baptist Church VBS craft time this week.

Another booth featured a fund raiser for “Baby Roland” to help a young couple with medical expenses. In addition to a lovely baby quilt created by Teri Snedaker, a number of other ladies had included items to be raffled off.

Also, Jan Miller offered, among other items for sale, wonderful fragranced homemade soaps.

Kathey Mott and her sister Claudia Flinn  had a good “sister day” selling lovely hand sewn and crocheted items.

Dale Bowthorpe had an impressive display of arrowhead pictures and “Spirit Knives”   he has crafted.

Abbie and Maddie Kercher of Meridian came up again to stay with the Hoopers and sold their   ever popular homemade ice cream, featuring cookies and cream and strawberry cream.   

Pam Lakey, who grew up in Cambridge and now lives in Ontario, had a table set up for the Weiser River Trail.

Young Hayden Baker sold delicious kettle corn and Dave Coats set up a “lawn sale” featuring his wife Nancy’s doll, stuffed animals and kids toy collections and other items. His quote of the day, “I got rid of  a lot of stuff!”

The parade included several tractors, cars, floats sponsored by the veterans, MTE, Midvale Baptist Church, Bowthorpes, seven Midvale Fire Department rigs, two Washington County boats, folks on horseback, and several more entries your reporter failed to get written down!

Many thanks to the folks who organized the wonderful BBQ, especially the ones who donated and barbecued the delicious beef, also the ladies who brought in their homemade pies and salads, and, as Karen Meyer also mentioned, the Firemen for setting up and taking down the tables and chairs. The BBQ truly takes a village! Congrats also to Susan Crisp, winner of the duck race.

We end with a laugh from Katrina Williams who reports that she caught a very surprised crawdad in her net while scooping up the colorful little ducks after the duck race!

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