“Girl Scouts have often helped people because they were prepared to act in case of an accident. They have even saved lives.” ~ Junior Girl Scout Handbook, 1963

Weiser Girl Scout Brownie Troop 0698 are earning their first aid badge by learning what to do when someone is injured and needs help. Christy Maldonado, Emergency Medical Technician with the Weiser Ambulance District, was asked to visit the troop and teach the girls about what to do in an emergency situation. With the help of Christy’s daughter, Cambria, they spoke to the girls about scenarios that would require the help of 911 and situations when first aid at home would be appropriate.
The Girl Scouts also learned about some of the equipment EMT’s use when they arrive on a 911 call, for example, first aid bandages and other dressing supplies, neck braces, and pulse oximeter machine that measures oxygen levels and heart rate. Each of the scouts got to test their oxygen, which they thought was pretty cool.

The most exciting part of the meeting was climbing into the back of the ambulance! Each girl scout had the opportunity to walk through the back of the ambulance, ask questions, touch the equipment, and see how everything works. Christy gave a tour and shared information on what different pieces of equipment do and how EMT’s help provide care to patients. At the end of the meeting, the scouts got to take home a couple of emergency themed coloring sheets.

The Brownie Girl Scout Troop wishes to thank Christy and Cambria Maldonado, as well as the Weiser Ambulance District, for taking time out of their busy schedules to visit with the troop, give a tour of the ambulance, and teach them some important information that will help them earn their next badge!
Weiser Girl Scouts are always in need of helpers and volunteers. The current season is coming to an end soon, but the 2022-2023 season will start up in the fall after the next school year begins (September-ish). To learn more about joining the Weiser Girl Scouts as a volunteer or registering a girl scout, please go to www.girlscouts-ssc.org.