Written by Jodie Mink, Amy Nichols, Cambridge FFA Advisors
The past week was a busy week for the Cambridge FFA with teams traveling to both Blackfoot
and Burley Idaho to compete against teams from around the state in both Rangeland
Assessment and Soils and Land Evaluation events.
If we have learned anything this fall as teachers and FFA advisors it is as simple as this. The
age of our members does not matter, their previous experience does not matter and
background does not matter. What truly matters is an individual’s dedication, willingness to
learn, hard work and ability to accept a challenge. Fall dealt us challenges, but these young
people persevered and were able to compete in both the State Range and State Soils Career
Development Events.
Our chapter was able to take a Senior and Junior Range team to the competition in Blackfoot.
Senior team members included: Rebecca Chandler, Zoe Ertel, Nathan Kindall, and Brendan
Wood. The team placed third, with Nathan Kindall 4th high individual. This team will now
compete in the Western National Range Event to be held in November, here in Cambridge.
Junior teams members included: Madison Gerlock, Tyler Gressley, Russell Noah and Abbey
The soils team won their district competition at the Regional Land Evaluation event at the end of
September. Team members included: Hunter Hastie, Emma Hollon, Jarret Mink, Zane Nichols
and Stella Warren. The team placed third at the state event and Emma Hollon was the 4th high
individual. This team is now qualified to compete in the National Land and Homesite Event in
Oklahoma City in May.
We are so grateful for the students and their desire to push forward and achieve success!
Congratulations to both the Range and Soils teams on their huge success.