
Chaotic Me

It’s been a minute since our last chat. How are ya? Hangin’ in there with all your to-do’s, errands, schedules, appointments, and everything else around it? I bet you got a little tired just reading that sentence. I know I did. Nutty is the only word I can really come up with that even resembles what life looks like right now.

Today’s post isn’t going to be a long one. I thought I would help calm the chaos a little for all of us by naming off some gratefuls. Not all of them are going to pertain to you but I bet you could switch it out for something that does speak to your heart. Here goes…

  1. Sleeping puppies. There is something about sleeping babies and puppies that is so calming. I find myself holding off the oncoming chaos just a little longer just so I can soak in as much calm as possible.
  2. Sunshine. More often than not these days I find myself stopping to sit in this one spot off our back porch and soaking in the sun. I guess that would be my meditation moment. There is no wind in that spot, the sun is warm and for just a moment, all is still and peaceful.
  3. Sitting with a friend just to check in. So often I will think of a friend but not reach out. I made it a point this past week to reach out and am so glad I did. They felt loved and I got a little boost of happy.
  4. Coffee. Now I know there are many of you who agree! It isn’t always the coffee though; I think it is what it represents. I am a morning person, and for me a cup of coffee means going outside to greet the day, watching the puppy run around like a crazy after a good sleep, and taking in the calm before the day begins. That is the best part. Warm cup of joe in my hands and a calm heart.
  5. Another day to try again. I have this version of myself that I keep striving for and I ALWAYS fall short. I know, it’s not the healthiest thing ever but I am human, and it is what is right now. That’s where grace comes in though. Everyday I am blessed with the ability to start again. To take the one good thing I did and continue it, or to let the previous day go and know that progress is the aim.

So there ya go. My gratefuls for the past week. There is so much I want to accomplish that it makes my head swim! I, and I bet you, need to take a moment to be grateful and not forget how far we have come. To see what we have and know it is exactly enough for the moment. I don’t have to be content with everything, but I can be content knowing I am blessed with what I have been given.

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