The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet
this 14th day of December, 2020.
Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Lisa Collini, absent; Kirk Chandler, present; and
Nate Marvin, present. Also present was Lyndon Haines.
Kirk Chandler opened the meeting and Donna Atwood led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lyndon Haines gave the invocation.
Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage
License No. 17 for HFO, LLC doing business as Tobacco Connections #34 at 611 Highway 95, Weiser, Idaho. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage
License No. 15 for Lena R. Hansen doing business as Ole’s Tavern at 617 U.S Highway
95, Weiser, Idaho. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage
License No. 14 for Lazy Bear Ranch, LLC doing business at 612 Unity Lane, Weiser,
Idaho. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage
License No.12 for G & B Enterprises, Inc. doing business as Slims Tavern at 65 East
Bridge Street, Midvale, Idaho. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage
License No. 13 for MC Idaho, Inc. doing business as Mann Creek Country Store and
Café at 1498 Highway 95, Weiser, Idaho. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage
License No. 16 for David Coleman doing business as Pioneer Express at 698 Pioneer
Road, Weiser, Idaho. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to sign the Fiscal Year 2020 Indigent
Defense Financial Assistance Expenditure Report. Motion carried.
Chandler reported on the Annual Animal Damage Control meeting he attended.
The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of December 7, 2020 were approved as written.
The claims, audited by the Auditor, were presented and reviewed by the Board. All
credit card claims were reviewed.
The Auditor was authorized to issue warrants totaling $167,989.66 for general expenses by a motion of Kirk Chandler, seconded by Nate Marvin. Motion carried.
Dahlia Stender, Juvenile Probation Supervisor, met with the Board. Stender reviewed the Juvenile Justice Annual Financial Report with the Board.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to allow the Chairman to sign the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections Annual Financial Report. Motion carried.
Stender stated the Annual Conference was held virtually this year. The conference was well attended. Stender informed the Board that employee, Juan Sanchez, received the Commitment to Service Award for the Juvenile Justice Association.
Stender stated that the juveniles are continuing to do community service projects. The department has several pending cases.
Dion Zimmerman with Design West met with the Board. Also present was Emergency
Manager, Tony Buthman.
Chandler discussed the CARES Act funding and informed Zimmerman the costs of the
remodel does not qualify for the funding.
Zimmerman stated he would provide a traditional contract with plans to begin work on the entrance in the spring. Zimmerman reported that a survey would need to be
completed before putting the project out for bid.
Chandler inquired for a projected time frame when the engineering could be completed.
Zimmerman stated he believed the project could be completed in six months after the
start date. Buthman will check on grant funding that may be available through the Office of Homeland Security.
Tony Buthman, Emergency Manager, met with the Board. Buthman informed the Board he requested an extension on the permits to install the boat ramp in Midvale. Buthman reported that the Army Corp of Engineers is in the process of assessing damage from the Woodhead Fire.
Chandler discussed work on Monroe Creek and near Gentry Lane that is currently being done. Chandler indicated that landowners are working with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Soil and Water Conservation District.
Buthman stated the Emergency Declaration will expire December 31, 2020. Buthman
inquired if the Board wanted to extend the declaration. The Board agreed to extend the declaration.
Buthman discussed Canyon County’s purchase of a mass causality trailer. It was agreed that there was not a need for a trailer in Washington County. Buthman provided an update on the status of the COVID-19 vaccine. Buthman informed the Board of trainings and conference calls he has conducted or participated in over the past month.
Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board. There was discussion of the
proposed security entrance to the courthouse and the purchase of equipment.
Walker discussed the proposed changes to County Code. Walker inquired what the end goal was with the changes. Walker indicated that the system is currently set up to preserve prime agricultural ground and not break up the farm ground. Walker stated that Washington County has not experienced a lot of growth over the past fifty years.
Chandler stated Ada and Canyon Counties are expecting growth to exceed one million in population in the next ten years. Chandler stated that zoning would indicate where growth should be. Chandler stated Payette County is seeing a lot of growth as well. Chandler stated he thought that growth would affect Washington County as well.
Walker stated he wanted to be helpful and agreed that there are areas in the code that should be updated. Chandler discussed the possibility of a subdivision ordinance that is not as restrictive as the current ordinance. Chandler stated that cities in the County could expand their boundaries.
Chandler stated that growth around the City of Weiser would take in farm ground by
adding homes on the Weiser Flat and in the area by the Golf course.
Walker stated he would like to be helpful with proposed changes and would like to see
the hearing process followed.
Chandler discussed property splits, the subdivision process and property rights. Chandler
stated those items needed to be addressed when considering code changes.
Walker discussed the infrastructure that would need to be in place and the differences
needed in a city versus a rural subdivision. Walker discussed a balancing of property
rights and the effects of a person taking full advantage of property rights.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin to recess as the Board of Washington
County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call. Lisa Collini, absent; Kirk Chandler,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Corey Patocka with the Ambulance District met with the Board. Also present was
Ambulance District Director, Luke Smith, and Ambulance District Administrative
Advisor, Tim Atwood.
Patocka informed the Board the District had fifteen calls for service which included four transfers last week.
Patocka discussed a letter received from an attorney regarding an outstanding debt from 2019. The letter proposed a twenty-five percent reduction in bill. Luke Smith stated he would like to confirm the reduction rate before a decision is made due to
Medicare/Medicaid rates.
Patocka reported the cost of malpractice insurance for Dr. Donahue’s is $5,826.00 per
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler, to pay the cost of the malpractice
insurance for Dr. Donahue. Motion carried.
Order No. 21-08 for general expenses in the amount of $447.14 was presented to the
Board for review.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler, to approve Order No. 21-08 for general expenses in the amount of $447.14. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin to recess as the Board of the Weiser
Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Lisa Collini, absent; Kirk Chandler,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board. Brent reported
she had received a letter from a person who stated he was not going to move an RV
which he is living in. The Board instructed Brent to forward the issue to Prosecutor
Walker. Brent reported Southwest District Health is aware of the situation.
Chandler discussed private airports. Brent reported there are rules in place in County
Code under the Special Use process.
Chandler discussed a call from a landowner who inquired about selling gravel from a pit on their property.
Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms
discussed the Salubria Pit and submitted the Market Analysis to the Board for review.
The estimated value of the lot is $45,000.00. Odoms stated if the County were to sell the lot, the rules for procurement in Idaho Code 31-808 would be followed. Odoms will discuss the matter with Prosecutor Walker for the proper process to follow.
Chandler discussed County Code allowing the sale of property less than twenty acres
with the intent to build. Chandler requested that Odoms check with Walker to verify if a home can be built on the property.
Odoms reported that Clay Peak will be closing at 3:00 p.m. on December 24, 2020.
Chandler stated County Offices will close at 3:00 p.m. with the exception of Emergency Services and offices which are required to remain open.
There was discussion regarding a Post Office box and the annual fee. The Board
requested Odoms to research to determine if the Post Office box is required.
Odoms informed the Board that DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) has agreed to allow burning to begin this week. Solid waste will be burning brush. Odoms stated he had notified the Fire Departments and Sheriff’s Department.
Odoms informed the Board that Western States Equipment had offered $10,000.00 in
trade on the 1998 Case backhoe at Solid Waste. Odoms stated that the trade-in cost from the budget for a new backhoe would be $106,265.00. A decision will be made next week.
Motion by Nate Marvin, seconded by Kirk Chandler and unanimously carried to recess at 11:59 a.m. until December 21, 2020 at 8:45 a.m.
Chairman, Board of County Commissioners
A full audio recording of the Commissioner Meeting is available at the Clerk’s Office upon request.