By Dorothy Evans
There’s an old country western song by Hank Williams, Jr. about family traditions. Although Hank’s unfortunately were drinking and rolling smokes, most family traditions are cherished and meaningful gestures passed down from one generation to the next.
Donors often cite their reason for giving blood is because a family member did. I guess one could say giving is in their blood. At Weiser’s quarterly blood drive held on May 2nd by the American Red Cross, there were a few examples of this great family tradition.
Karen, Ian and Lucy Ross have a tradition of donating Power Reds. Power Reds use a special machine that extracts two pints of red blood cells while returning the plasma and platelets. Mom Karen and son Ian have each donated Power Reds five times. Ian’s wife, Lucy, who started the family tradition, switched to Power Reds five donations ago, but has an impressive 22 donations in all.
Lucy, Ian and Karen are no strangers to helping others. Lucy, an accountant, and Karen volunteer for Love INC. Ian is the pastor at Riverside Baptist Church as well as a member of the Idaho Army National Guard. Giving truly is in their blood.
Another family tradition started at the May 2nd blood drive. 17-year-old Chloe Scott has been looking forward to donating blood for years. Her mom, Marla, has donated an inspiring 22 times and her dad, Jim, even more, so when Chloe finally became old enough, she was very excited to make the appointment.
Chloe is a junior at Payette High School. She is a talented artist and wants to become a forensic sketch artist. Chloe intends to continue donating blood, keeping the family tradition alive.
All our donors are special and we appreciate them all. Those giving their permission to print their name are: Matt Smith, Suzanna Hubele, Jason Bair, Fred Haun, Liz Sousa, Mary Walker, Sabrina Young, Cynthia Haynes, Rick Haynes, Terri Vogt, Larry Lee, Chris McCord, Daryn Young, Harry Soulen, Jim Hardenbrook, Chris Christopherson, Marla Leedy, Wil Overgaard, Bret Karnes, Steve Cooper, Chad Reddick, Judy Speropulos, Hans Boettcher, Colleen Edwards, Mary Smith, Renny Speropulos, Russell Shelton, Kathy Shelton, Cindy Duncan, Sara Little, Mari Bionaz, Phil Condon, Diana Higgins, Karen Ross, Lupita Rodriguez, Lance Kastl, Edith Kastl, Bob Barber, Ian Ross, Lucy Ross, Rejeana Goolsby, Bridger Thomas, Jan Mullins, Johnny Biddinger, Mark Christensen, Sandy Michael, Chloe Scott, Marla Scott, Barbara Huck, Kyla Dickerson, Alana DeYoung, Rebekah Tracy, Janet MacLean, Connie Hagan, Tina Frei, Mary Ann Boothe, Brian Johnson, Patti Hartnett, Mike Hartnett, Veronica Vasquez, Darin Walker, Tammra Van Ness, Jill Linder, Monica Odoms, Gennie Christopherson, Maria Almanza, Marilyn Gatley and Pat West.

The blood drive could not happen without the help of the volunteers. Blood drive chairman, Alex Chavarria, pulled it all together by lining up and calling donors. Coordinator Dorothy Evans worked the registration table during the drive and enters future appointments into the database after the drive. Pat West helped at the registration table. Judy Warden, Mary Walker, Dolores Larsen, Jan Mullins, Vicki Sale, and Vickie Thomas of Nu Masters sorority prepared sandwiches for the donors and a delicious lunch for the workers and volunteers. Nu Masters is a member of the Beta Sigma Phi City Council who funds the purchase of the food. We are also grateful to MTE for their generous contribution that pays for supplies and WIFI.
Weiser’s next quarterly blood drive will be held in the Vendome Events Center on Wednesday, August 2, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please call Alex Chavarria at 208-602-7138 or Dorothy Evans at 208-549-5589 to schedule an appointment or go on the American Red Cross website to reserve your time slot. Your blood could save a life. There’s no better way to spend an hour of your time.