Congratulations to teams 9551A, 9551B, 9551D and 9551F for qualifying for State. All four teams will head to Idaho State University in Pocatello March 1st to compete with the State’s top robots for a chance to not only win a trophy, but qualify for a chance to go to the VEX Worlds Championship at the end of April in Dallas, Texas.

9551A SLUG: Logan Rasmussen, Austin Mosley, Ryan Glen, Kade Hill, Elizabeth Thomas

9551B H.I.V.E.: Kaiden Peck, Max Burkhart, Soren Alder, Brett Fadling

9551D Godzilla: Alek Dunbar, Shane Bush, Evelyn Rodriguez, Adrian Dodson

9551F EL-CHERUROBOT: Esteban Rodriguez, Chris Cruz, Michael Shaber, Luis Orozco (Not Pictured)