
Idaho Legislative News (3/19/22)

Dear Friends,

Below are some recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy the information. For more details, you can log onto where you will find bills, committee recordings, and live stream videos of our House and Senate floor sessions. I look forward to your involvement.

boyle 3202 gunI am honored to sponsor with Senator Todd Lakey S1262 which enhances protections for firearms, ammunition and components during a declared disaster emergency. The bill declares firearm related businesses are essential, concealed weapons licenses cannot be suspended or revoked, and no seizures in any manner of legally owned private firearms, ammo or components are allowed during such declared emergency.  This was an idea brought to us by the National Rifle Association and supported by the Fraternal Order of Police, Sheriffs, Chiefs of Police, and Governor Little. Governor Little graciously presented us with an official commemorative copy of S1262 in his office. 

boyle H731 H 731, is the dyslexia bill I sponsored with Senators Crabtree and Blair which was written by dyslexia experts and parents. Idaho is the last state in the union to have formal recognition of dyslexia with definitions, required screening tools, required classes for all school instructional staff to recognize and understand this learning problem which affects twenty percent of our citizens. The sooner this is caught in school, the sooner intervention can begin to help kids get on the right path to reading. Pictures with parents and sponsors.

Legislature Paves the Way for Landmark Road & Bridge Repairs: Sends Transportation Bill to Governor

On Monday, Governor Little signed Senate Bill 1359 into law. As part of the Governor’s “Leading Idaho” plan, the law provides hundreds of millions of dollars in new transportation funding and will clear out one-third of Idaho’s bridge maintenance backlog. The bill, sponsored in the Senate by Senator Jim Woodward (R-Sagle) and in the House by Representative Matthew Bundy (R-Mountain Home), includes $200 million for local bridges, $6 million for air, $8 million for rail, $18 million to pay off debt for Garvee Bond projects, $10 million for safe pedestrian crossings, and $10 million to build out a road at the Port of Lewiston. The Governor said, “We are taking advantage of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fully fund known transportation needs – to maintain our roads and bridges permanently – with no new taxes.” The bill passed the Senate unanimously and passed the House 44-25. Funding will be available at the start of the next state fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2022. 

Coronavirus Pause Act Moves Forward to Prevent Vaccine Mandates

On Monday, the Idaho Senate passed Senate Bill 1381, which would establish the “Coronavirus Pause Act.” If enacted, the bill would put a one-year ban on all business or employer COVID-19 vaccine requirements. Senator Chuck Winder (R-Boise), who sponsored the bill, said, “I don’t think I have ever worked harder on a piece of legislation.” Senator Winder said he crafted the legislation carefully, in his words, “threading the needle” to protect the rights of employees and businesses. The bill passed 24-11, along largely party lines. The bill has been referred to the House Business Committee. 

Idaho’s Soil and Water Conservation Commission Legislation Helps Serve Rural Communities

On Wednesday, the Senate unanimously passed House Bill 642, which, if signed by the Governor, would revise the way that Commissioners are appointed to the Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission and give districts more say in state commission membership. It would also increase the number of commissioners from 5 to 7. The proposed expansion of the commission from five members is important, especially as Idaho faces drought conditions and the Soil and Water Conservation Commission’s work is critical to managing scarce resources. “The whole state will receive better representation with more minds in the room, more viewpoints, more people participating.” shared Senator Harris (R-Soda Springs), the bill sponsor. 

At the district level, the bill would allow governance by five supervisors instead of the currently required seven, to help rural communities that may not need seven members or have difficulty finding candidates. “A lot of these district supervisors are farmers and ranchers. Their time is limited,” Harris said. “And in a lot of these districts, it’s easier to get five.” The legislation passed the House 65-0-5 and was swiftly reported out of Senate Agricultural Affairs with Do Pass recommendation. After the Senate vote, the bill heads next to the Governor’s desk.


Bill Aimed at Helping Rural Teachers Heads to Governor Little for Signature

Senate Bill 1290 works to help retain rural teachers by offering them grants, funding for student loan repayments, postgraduate studies and additional teaching endorsements. It passed the House on a 37-30 vote after passing the Senate last month. If signed into law, teachers in rural or high-poverty districts can receive a max of $12,000 over four years and use the money for eligible expenses.


H 588 Helps Idaho Recruit and Retain Wildland Firefighters

The Senate is expected to vote on House Bill 588 in the coming days. The bill would amend Section 59-1603, Idaho Code, to authorize a pay differential of up to 25% for wildland firefighting personnel who hold “current incident qualification cards while working on the fireline of a fire incident not deemed controlled or at a fire incident helibase servicing active flights.” 

Idaho Department of Lands competes against surrounding states and the federal government to recruit and retain qualified wildland firefighters. Other states and jurisdictions are able to provide their wildland firefighters hazard differential pay equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of hourly rates while engaged in fire suppression

Activities. Without the ability to match those incentives, IDL faces challenges with recruitment and retention. This legislation helps protect Idaho’s public and private forests and rangeland from wildfire by allowing the department to offer competitive compensation for wildland firefighters.

House Bills Help Increase the WWAMI Regional Medical Program

Two bills related to the WWAMI medical school program are under consideration by the Idaho Legislature.  WWAMI is a partnership between Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho for regional medical education that guarantees a set number of seats for Idaho students at the University of Washington School of Medicine. The first, House Concurrent Resolution 38, sponsored by Representative Mike Moyle (R-Star), encourages the State Board of Education to request additional WWAMI seats beginning in 2025. Idaho is a designated federal provider shortage area and as our population continues to increase, we continue to need more health care professionals. One of WWAMI’s goals is to increase the number of primary care physicians, which Idaho is in great need of, and to do so in a cost-effective manner. HCR38 passed 59-7. 

A related bill, House Bill 718, also sponsored by Representative Moyle, would require Idaho medical students who participate in the WWAMI program to practice in Idaho for four years or repay the state for their education costs. The bill passed 43-22, was referred out of the Senate Education Committee with a do pass recommendation, and is now under consideration by the Senate. 


Bill Helps Bring Livestock Veterinarians to Rural Areas

The Idaho Senate Agricultural Affairs Committee March 10 voted 5-4 to advance a proposal to help large animal veterinarians pay education expenses if they serve in rural areas with livestock. Up to 10 veterinarians per year could receive a maximum of $25,000 a year to repay education expenses for up to three years, as long as they are not already enrolled in another repayment program. The livestock industry is a major economic contributor in Idaho and a shortage of production-animal veterinarians creates an issue with supporting the industry. The committee sent SB 1380 to the full Senate with a do-pass recommendation and passed on the Senate floor 28-7. It replaces SB 1344, which died in committee.



Bill Tracker

S1226 This legislation declares that Idaho students can be designated as self-directed learners if they meet the criteria laid out in the bill. Introduced, printed and referred to Senate Education.

S1228 Repeals existing law relating to enclosures of reservoirs and dumps. Passed the Senate 35-0 and filed for its third reading in House Resources and Conservation. Passed the House 67-0-3 and signed by president. Delivered to the Governor on 3/14/22. 

S1239 This bill would require the legislative session to end on or before the last Friday in March each year unless two-thirds of each house votes to go longer. A similar bill was introduced last year, but died in the house. Introduced, printed and referred to Senate State Affairs. Read second time as amended, filed for Third reading. Passed 28-6 and referred to House State Affairs. 

S1241  This bill makes a change to Idaho Code by increasing the maximum value of a home that qualifies for the property tax reduction program (aka Circuit Breaker) to assist more low-income applicants to remain in their homes. Reported out of Senate Local Government & Taxation with a do-pass recommendation. Passed 34-0-, and  referred to House Revenue and Taxation. 

S1249  This bill corrects an error in last year’s H 389 so that expiring Urban Renewal Districts come into local property tax budgets at eighty percent not subject to the eight percent cap. It also closes an unintended loophole regarding the use of foregone balances in property tax budgets. Reported out of Senate Local Government & Taxation with a do-pass recommendation. Passed the Senate 34-0-1 and referred to House Revenue and Taxation. Signed by the Governor on 2/23/22.

S1254 Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to remove certain provisions regarding air quality related to motor vehicles and to provide revised provisions regarding air quality programs. Reported out without recommendation as amended. Amendments ordered printed, referred for engrossment. Passed the Senate 29-6, sent to the House. Read First Time, Referred to Transportation & Defense. Filed for third reading. Delivered to the Governor on 3/17/22.

S1255  This bill creates The Empowering Parents Grant Program which will provide funding to parents to help meet their child’s educational needs and to address any learning loss with grants of $1,000 per student or a maximum of $3,000 per family for public and non-public students. Signed by the Governor on 3/01/22.

S1262  This legislation enhances the protections for firearms, ammunition, and components during a declared disaster emergency. Signed by the Governor on 2/25/22.

S1264 Amends existing law to revise legislative findings and to revise provisions regarding rescission. Passed the Senate 22-10-3, sent to the House.

S1267 Amends existing law to provide an exemption from stopping and inspection for certain private vehicles and horse trailers. Reported enrolled; signed by President; to House for signature of Speaker. Signed by the Governor on 3/09/22.

S1280 This bill would define dyslexia in Idaho code, and recognize the unique influence and challenges students with characteristics of dyslexia face in developing their reading and literacy skills. The bill would require that school districts and charter schools assess students in kindergarten through fifth grade for characteristics of dyslexia so plans for specific interventions can be identified and offered. Passed the Senate 33-0-2 and referred to House Education.

S1287 Adds to existing law to establish the rural nursing loan repayment program. Failed 14-17-4.

S1291 Amends existing law to provide alternative methods of obtaining certain certifications. Reported out without recommendation as amended. Amendments ordered printed, referred for engrossment. Passed the Senate 28-7 and referred to House Education. Signed by President and Speaker.

S1311 Adds to existing law to designate the Idaho cut as the official state cut of Idaho for faceted gemstones. Passed the Senate 32-0-3 and referred to House State Affairs. 

S1319 This bill amends contracts regarding school transportation services. Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation. Passed the Senate 32-0-3 and referred to House Education. Signed by President and Speaker.

S1321 Amends existing law regarding assault or battery upon employees of a public or consumer-owned utility. Passed 31-2-2 referred to House Judiciary, Rules & Administration. Passed 41-29-0.

S1324 Amends existing law to remove provisions regarding sexual abuse and sexual battery of certain minors. Filed for Third Reading. Passed 32-0-3 and referred to House Judiciary, Rules & Administration. Passed 54-14.

1332 Amends existing law to provide for confidential relations and communications for employees and volunteers at a domestic or sexual violence program in certain instances. Passed 29-4-2, sent to House, Read First Time, Referred to Judiciary, Rules & Administration. Reported out of committee with Do Pass Recommendation and filed for second reading. Delivered to the Governor on 3/17/22.

S1333 Amends existing law to revise the number of judges in the Fourth Judicial District and to revise provisions regarding resident chambers. Passed 32-0-3 referred to House Judiciary, Rules & Administration. Passed the House 68-0-2, signed by the President, sent to the House for signature of the Speaker. Signed by the Governor on 3/16/22. 

S1337 Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding reporting requirements during a nonelection year. Amendments ordered printed; referred for engrossment. Read first time as amended, filed for second reading. Passed 29-5-1, referred to House State Affairs. 

S1345 Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the careless exposure of barbed wire and to revise penalties. Referred to Agricultural Affairs. Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for third reading. Passed 34-0-1. 

SCR 115 States findings of the Legislature and supports the development of civics standards for Idaho students. Read for the first time, referred to education. Reported out of committee with Do Pass Recommendation. Signed by the President and Speaker. 

SCR 117 States findings of the Legislature and recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Sawtooth National Recreation Act and celebrates the contributions that Idahoans have made to protect and appreciate this iconic landscape in Idaho. Read second time, filed for third reading. Failed 18-51-1. 

SCR 119 States findings of the Legislature and reaffirms Idaho’s commitment to a strong relationship with Taiwan. Adopted, Title apvd – to House. 

HCR 29 States findings of the Legislature and encourages certain officers, agencies, and employees of the State to become informed about the impacts of traumatic childhood experiences and to implement interventions and practices to develop resilience in children and adults who have suffered from traumatic childhood experiences. Ordered Transmitted to Secretary of State. Delivered to Secretary of State at 10:24 a.m. on February 24, 2022.

HB 436  Income tax rebate; reduces independent and corporate income tax rate. House passed 57-13; Passed Senate 27-7-1. Signed by the Governor on February 4, 2022.

HB 443: This proposed legislation will create a dedicated fund to bring school district employees’ healthcare coverage up to the same standard as that of state employees. The bill passed the House 55-14, passed the Senate 32-3 and has been signed by the Governor on 2/08/22. 

H 444 Amends 2021 session law to extend a sunset date to July 1, 2023. Filed for a second reading with Do Pass recommendation. Signed by the Governor on 2/24/22. 

HB 450  This legislation will provide employers with unemployment insurance tax rate stability and consistency by extending the 2021 unemployment insurance base tax rate over a period of two years. This will result in a tax savings of $64 million for Idaho businesses over the next two years. Reported Signed by Governor on February 18, 2022.

H 461 This bill aims to update Idaho code 33-4302 so that the child or spouse of a military member who has fallen in combat is eligible for this scholarship, seeing that they meet other prerequisites laid out in the bill. Passed the House 67-0 and filed for a third Senate reading. Passed the Senate 33-0. Signed by President; returned to House. Signed by the Governor on 3/08/22. 

469 Amends existing law to distribute money to the Peace Officers Standards and Training Fund and to revert certain monies to the General Fund. Passed the House 57-10-3. Retained on the Senate reading calendar. Passed 34-0-1 and signed by President and Speaker. Signed by the Governor on 3/16/22. 

H 506 This bill would amend Section 33-4302(7) of Idaho Code to allow the Idaho Division of Veterans Services to determine disability for members of the Armed Forces, instead of the United States Social Security Administration. Passed the House 66-0 and filed for a third Senate reading. Passed the Senate 33-0. Signed by President; returned to House. Signed by the Governor on 3/07/22.

H533 Amends existing law to allow for certain employees to continue to receive master educator premiums. Passed 52-15-3, Retained on the Senate reading calendar. Passed 32-3-0, signed by President and Speaker. Returned by the Governor vetoed on 3/16/22, and postpone consideration of veto until one legislative day

H559 Adds to existing law to authorize the use of certain archery equipment. Passed the House 63-0-7 and filed for a third Senate reading. Passed the Senate 30-3-2. Signed by President; returned to House. Passed 30-3-2 and signed by the Governor on 3/07/22. 

H560 Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding powers of the council. Passed the House 65-0-5 and filed for third Senate reading. Passed unanimously by the Senate. Delivered to the Governor on 3/16/22. 

H598 Amends existing law to provide a certain exception regarding DNA analysis for quality control. Passed the House 66-0-4 and referred to Senate Health &  Welfare. Reported out of committee with Do Pass Recommendation. Passed 34-0-1. 

H685 Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the postsecondary credit scholarship. Passed 67-0-3, Title apvd – to Senate. Reported out of committee with Do Pass Recommendation.

H650 A curriculum adoption committees bill, has passed both the House and Senate. I wrote this bill following requests from parents and community members throughout Idaho to follow a traditional Idaho practice of local parents and community members going through proposed curriculum and recommending adoption or rejection to the locally elected school board. The bill  requires the local school board to appoint such a committee.

H688 Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding use of moneys in the fund, to provide that certain recommendations to the Governor be made by a certain date, and to remove a provision regarding a sunset date. Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, filed for third reading. Passed 65-0-5 and sent to Senate.

H701 Adds to existing law to establish the Idaho Workforce Housing Fund and to provide for the allocation of funds. Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading. Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading. Passed 37-31-2, received by the Senate. 

H703 Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to reestablish the Homeowner’s Association Act. Passed 63-3-4, referred to Senate Commerce and Human Resources.

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