By Thereasa Rasmussen
Friday, August 19th Intrinsic Organics handed out beef and pork to about forty of their employees. Each employee walked away with twenty to thirty pounds of meat that had been purchased here locally from the 2022 Washington County Fair. “Many of our employees have kids in 4-H programs and we want to support them as well as our agricultural communities. We want to support them in their growth in agriculture,” stated Billie Young-McCaughan. Intrinsic Organics broke ground in Washington County just south of Weiser back in 2017 and is one of the leading producers of 100% organic inulin and prebiotic fiber ingredients.These ingredients are produced right here in the Weiser area using Jerusalem Artichokes.

Plant Manager Tony Martinez wants people to know that Intrinsic Organics supports their local community and surrounding communities. Martinez and Young-McCaughan shared that the company would like to get more information on what they do out to the community. Intrinsic Organics is looking to expand and to possibly start a partnership with local education systems and school districts to educate on what they do as well as offer tours of the facility. “Our crop is a new commodity within the surrounding area, as well as the United States. We would like to get as much information out , especially to the up and coming FFA and 4-H students. We want more involvement so we can help them help us for the future,” stated Martinez.