Troop 350
Boy Scout Recruitment
As a young man, age 11 through 18:
Are you interested in exploring the outdoors and participating in fun events?
Want to make new lifelong friends?
Visit with people and experience places that most people do not get a chance to?
Want to take on new responsibilities to build skills and confidence?
Looking for adventures and fun activities? Explore hobbies that could develop into a future career.
Weiser’s Boy Scout Troop 350, sponsored by the Weiser Lion’s Club, has been active for over 60 years. During that time, numerous boys have learned helpful and interesting skill, developed an appreciation of physical fitness, how to be good neighbors by providing community service, leadership ability, and respect for our country. Scouts from Troop 350 and other troops in Weiser, have benefited our community through numerous Eagle Service Projects. Many of these projects are still evident around town.
If you are a young person, a parent, relative, or know of someone that might be interested in joining us, please contact
Jake Clapperton (208)739-3341
Bob Barber (208) 869-6890