
Local Oregon Author & Historian to Visit Ontario

October 31, 2023

By Helen Conner

Rick Steber, well known Oregon Author and Historian, who has written over 50 books, will be in Vale and Ontario on November 9 and 10. A master storyteller and outstanding speaker he will be sharing some of his stories and poems at three public meetings. It has been about 15 years since Steber has presented programs in this area. Since then he has published several new books including “Out Killing Indians” which earlier this summer received the international INDIE award for the best fiction for 2023. His latest book “Man in the Mirror” was released in late summer and includes several pages about the Vale area.

Rick Steber will be the speaker at Malheur Country Historical Society annual meeting on Thursday, November 9 at the Senior and Community Center in Vale at 11:30 AM. $20 Tickets are required and will include lunch and the speaker. All tickets must be purchased by November 2. Some tickets will be available for non-members. and can be purchased at the Liquor store in Vale and the OSU Extension Office, 710 SW 5th Avenue in Ontario. They can also be obtained by calling 541-519-0420 or 541-519-0855.

Thursday evening November 9 Treasure Valley Community College Foundation will sponsor a program at 7:30 PM. at the Weese Building W110 on campus in Ontario. TVCC students and staff can get free tickets while they last but must pick them up in advance from the Foundation Office, Room 107 in the Science building or from some English and writing instructors. Tickets for the public are $10 and will be available at the door.

On Friday November 10, Steber will recite some of his poetry and prose at noon at OSU Extension Office Meeting Room, 710 SW 5th Ave in Ontario. Sponsored by Josh DeLong and James Auw from Stifel Investments, the 40 minute program is open to the public and is expected to be of special interest to health care providers and teachers.

The local Care Network will provide light snacks and beverages or attendees can bring a sack lunch. Recent research shows that reading, writing and listening to poetry can help-staff members as well as patients, families and students deal with stress.

Friday night from 5:30 to 7:00 PM the Ontario Community Library will host an Open House and Book Signing. There will be no program but Steber will join other local authors and book clubs to visit with children and adults about the importance of reading for success in life. Other authors and book clubs that would like to be a part of this event and haven’t been contacted should call Darlene at the library 541-889-6371 for details

Steber from Prineville, Oregon will have his books for sale at all events. He will personalize them if desired. Each program will be different so people are encouraged to attend more than one. Donations will be accepted to help with his travel expenses or just to say thanks for coming. Handouts with Steber’s local schedule are available at area Public Libraries, Senior Centers, University Extension Offices in Ontario, Payette and Weiser, Ontario Chamber of Commerce, and Four Rivers Cultural Center and where tickets are sold..

Steber is in demand as a speaker in other states and countries so he does not often get to the local area. He also encourages readers in Idaho to attend the local events. Steber owns and operates a gift store called ”Makers” in Prineville, Oregon where he sells the work of about 180 different eastern Oregon artists as well as his own books. Seating will be limited at Steber’s programs so sponsors encourage attendees to arrive early.

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