
My Fitness Journey Begins…For Real This Time!

Okay, so I’m about to turn 55, am dreadfully overweight and often eating all the wrong foods. My joints are creaking and groaning under the pressure they have to endure, and to put it mildly, I need help! 

I’ve been going to the gym … occasionally. I’ve been dieting …until mid-afternoon each day when I absolutely must have a burrito … a root beer float … or any snack food that I can find … 

My wife really is a good example when it comes to eating and tries to make sure that I eat healthy. But as I travel all over the community trying to take pictures or find the story for LivingInTheNews.Com, I normally eat on the run. 

This isn’t my first try at getting back into shape, my kids tell me that they have watched me try their whole lives. Several times I have had great results but then party with food and take a break from my workout, both lasting way to long.

 Recently I was in the Body Shop Fitness Center, trying again to take that step of getting back into shape… again…. and met Jeremy Calhoun. What an amazing young man. He’s not only someone that has lived and learned the personal coaching part of the business, but also is a very personable and wonderful trainer. I decided that I wanted him to train me. Now understand that I have lost weight before, but here is the difference: With my two full time jobs, I take care of the Vendome Event Center for the City and manage Living In The News .Com, I often put my health very low in priority to other things. I feel that it is worth paying Jeremy not only to coach me but to also help me with accountability in reaching my personal goals. In the short time that I have been meeting with Jeremy, I have lost 12lbs. but that is mostly because I know he is going to check on my progress twice weekly. Because of him teaching me and keeping me accountable, I am now on my way to a new me, healthier, fitter, leaner and stronger. 

After a few initial sessions with Jeremy, I kinda thought, “He’s not pushing me enough”, But what I learned was that he was building a foundation in me so that I could reach the goals that I have asked him to help me reach. Like on the Karate Kid movie, Jeremy being my Miyagi, asked me to do something that I thought that I couldn’t do… I recently after just over two weeks, I did 25 pushups, with good form. “Are You Kidding Me?” Before we started I don’t know that I could have done five. Ha ha ha, some of you may say that 25 pushup is not a big accomplishment, maybe, but we all start in different places. It was big for me.

If there is interest, I will report on my progress. I’ve decided that it is better to pay for my health now, rather than paying for it later in ways that I don’t want to experience.  

Live the life you are meant to live… Alex

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