
News Release On Winter Sports

Weiser High School Winter Sports Plan

Updated January 22, 2021
The PURPOSE of this Weiser High School Winter Sports Plan is to:

  1. Establish protocols for school activities and school competitions that adhere to ALL of the
    requirements for gatherings and spectators as outlined by Governor Little and the State Board
    of Education in the Updated Winter Sports Order dated January 21, 2021.
  2. Allow athletics to continue to compete in a way that is productive and safe for all participants,
    while including spectators.
    School Requirements:
    Schools are responsible for adhering to the Stage 2 Stay Healthy Order or other restrictions issued by
    the Governor or local jurisdictions.
    In order to remain compliant with the Governor’s Stage 2 Order for Winter Sports:
    1) Protocols for events will be posted on entry doors and be visible for all participants and spectators.
    2) Weiser High School is required to have a protocol in place for all areas of the facility.
     In Parking Lots – spectators should wait at their vehicle until gates open and should leave
    the facility immediately following the competition, or when asked to do so
     On Sidewalks – maintain distance before entering or exiting the facility
     In Lobbies – maintain 6 feet of physical distance from others whenever possible, no
     In Restrooms – Weiser will designate home and visiting spectator restrooms
     In the Gym – wear a mask at all times
    3) Limitations on Gatherings:
     WHS will allow a maximum of 620 spectators (40% of the posted gym capacity) into an
    event at any given time.
    i. Each home participant may invite up to 4 spectators to the event and will be
    provided their passes in advance for distribution.
    ii. Visiting teams will be provided a preset number of passes for distribution
    iii. General admission spectators are welcome on a first-come, first-serve basis until the
    facility capacity is reached

 Participating athletes and coaches, approved game personnel, band, and participating
cheerleaders are excluded from determining gym capacity.
 Only a WHS student body section will be maintained (no student body section for the
visiting team) and student attendees count toward the gym capacity limit.

4) Essential personnel in attendance are limited to:
 Coaches – District Approved Only
 Stat Keepers – Not to exceed 1 (or 1 per mat for wrestling)
 Table Workers – Not to exceed 4 (or 4 per table for wrestling)
 Administration – Not to exceed 3
 Trainer – Not to exceed 1
 Maintenance and Janitorial – Not to exceed 3
 Audio/Visual – Not to exceed 4
 Gate Workers – Not to exceed 2
5) Spectators:

 Masks are REQUIRED to be worn by ALL spectators, essential workers, and non-
participating athletes and coaches at all times when inside the facility. Physical distancing

between non-household members is recommended.
 Home spectators and away spectators will enter though separate entrances and leave
through their designated entrance.
i. Home Spectator Entrance – gym doors to the east side of the game gym
ii. Away Spectator Entrance – entrance to the main lobby of the school on the south
side of the building (by the flagpole)

 Gyms and event areas will be cleared after each event and cleaned and sanitized prior to
allowing spectators into the facility for the next event.

6) Additional Venue Protocols:
 Hand sanitizer will be available at entrances and in other locations throughout the venue.
 Separate restrooms will be designated for home team spectators and for visiting team
spectators. Restrooms will be sanitized throughout each event.
 Physical distancing and mask requirement signage will be posted throughout the venue.
 PA Announcer will frequently remind athletes and spectators of the event requirements.

Dear Wolverine Fans,

Yesterday the State Board of Education, at the direction of Governor Brad Little, once again
revised the Winter Sports Plan for high schools and middle schools under the Governor’s Stage 2
Order as it pertains to Gatherings and Spectators.
Accordingly, the Weiser School District has updated its Winter Sports Plan to allow for the
maximum number of spectators at events as allowed under the order and based on the venue
You can find a copy of the WSD updated Winter Sports Plan, as well as the updated SBOE Order
on our website at
Important highlights of the Weiser Plan include:
1) A maximum of 620 spectators will be allowed to attend home games held in Tom Falash
Gym, depending on the event being held. Weiser Middle School gym capacity will be
posted at WMS.
2) Masks will be REQUIRED of ALL non-participating athletes at all times within the
3) Participants will be allowed to invite up to 4 guests to attend their games.
4) General admission entrance will be allowed on a first-come, first-serve basis until gym
capacity is attained.
We are thrilled to offer this new opportunity to Wolverine fans and respectfully ask for your
understanding and full cooperation with activity requirements. It is important that we continue to
follow the requirements of the SBOE Order in order to continue to allow this level of access to
activities in our facilities. We truly appreciate your support.
Go Wolverines!!!

Athletics Plan for Governor’s Orders on Gatherings

and Spectators
Updated January 21, 2021
Winter Sports

For Idaho schools to conduct activities for the remainder of the 2020-2021 winter sport school
year, consistent with the requirements of the Idaho Stage 2 Stay Healthy Order, this plan
outlines the management of high school and middle school athletics.
School Requirements
Schools are responsible for adhering to Stay Healthy Orders or other restrictions issued by the
Governor or local jurisdictions. These Protocols will need to be posted on entry doors and be
visible for all participants and spectators.
Schools that host events are required to follow this plan in order to host home competitions in
their school. Schools are required to have a protocol in place for all areas of the facility,
including parking lots, sidewalks, lobbies, bathrooms, hallways, and the gym. Entry and exit will
need to be clearly marked and if possible, separate entry and exits for each group of
participants and spectators.
Limitations on Gatherings:
 Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may allow up to 40% of their local school gym’s capacity
or up to four spectators per student participant, whichever is larger, if physical
distancing requirements can be maintained or if masks are worn.
 LEAs may have more stringent requirements for spectators at their athletic events.
 The LEA Athletic Director will confirm the capacity of the gym (where applicable using
fire marshal and/or Division of Building Safety information) and then calculate the 40%
capacity number, allowing a number of spectators for both home and away teams into
the gym.
o It is the responsibility of the Home team Athletic Director to notify away teams
of the gym capacity number.

 All non-participating athletes, essential personnel, administrators, and table help are
REQUIRED to properly wear masks.

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 Participating student athletes are excluded from determining gym capacity during their
event and include the following events:
 Basketball
o Freshmen Teams
o JV Team
o Varsity Team
 Cheerleaders
o JV Cheer
o Varsity Cheer
 Wrestling (duals, tri-meets, and quads, tournaments)
o JV Wrestling
o Varsity wrestling
o While in Stage 2 of the state order, tournaments will apply the same
protocols and capacity limits.

 Participating students in the following events are excluded from gym capacity:
 Band
o School bands will be allowed to attend and participate.
 Dance
o Dance team.

 Non-participating student athletes can remain in the gym but will count again the 40%
capacity limit.
 Student Body
o Student body will be permitted into “HOME” games only.
o Students will count against the 40% of capacity.
o Students who choose to be seated in student sections and are closer than 6ft,
are required to wear a mask.

 Essential personnel
o Coaches
▪ District Approved Coaches ONLY
o Stats
▪ This will not exceed 1 participant
o Table workers for home teams
▪ This will not exceed 4 participants
o Administration
▪ This group will not exceed 3 participants.
o Trainer
▪ This will not exceed 1 participant
o Maintenance and janitorial
▪ This will not exceed 3 participants

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o Audio/Visual not to exceed 4 participants
o Broadcast/Print Media not to exceed 4 participants
o Gate person not to exceed 2 participants
Health and Safety Measures
• Spectators
o Masks and facial coverings are required for all spectators when not seated or
physically distanced. For districts and charter school boards that have a mask
requirement, this requirement will be in force for spectators.
o Masks are highly recommended for spectators.
o For purposes of this plan, physical distancing is 6 feet from non-household

• Direction and flow of spectators
o The entry and exit and flow of directions as spectators enter the gym and exit
the gym will be clearly marked.
o Home spectators and away spectators will enter through separate entrances and
leave through those same entrances.
o Physical distancing will be maintained in all areas of the facility including entry
ways, exits, lobbies, bathrooms, and congregation of people is prohibited within
the schools.

• Event area, such as gyms, will be cleared after each event, cleaned, and sanitized prior
to the second event taking place.
o Spectators will have to leave the facilities after a JV event, the facility will have to
be cleaned, and then the spectators for the Varsity event may enter.
o Bathrooms will be cleaned and checked multiple times throughout an event.
Physical distancing signage will need to be in place in all areas.
• Hand sanitizer should be plentiful and available to spectators and participants.
Adherence to this athletic plan
• Schools will adhere to these recommendations, which align with the Governor’s Stay
Healthy Order and its exemption for spectators at athletic events that follow a plan
administered by the State Board of Education.
• These recommendations also follow the State Board of Education’s Resolution directing
school districts and charter schools to comply with the Stage 2 Health Order or any
other Governor’s Order.
o This Resolution was voted on and passed by the Idaho State Board of Education
on December 10, 2020.

• It is important that participants and spectators at athletics follow these good practices
of physical distancing and mask wearing in order for athletic events to continue through
the winter.

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