By Angela Hansen
Whether you’re a Santa in disguise, a Scrooge, or unaffiliated, turning your calendar to November 1 st signals the official opening of the holiday season. The rest of the year just might turn your head until you wake on New Year’s Day filled with the desire to hibernate through January. For those with loved ones deployed on active military duty, however, this time of year often provokes poignant feelings of loneliness instead.
Bob Barber, one of the leaders of Boy Scout Troop 350, was introduced to a non-profit organization called the Idaho National Guard Morale Welfare Recreation. This Boise-based group is dedicated to providing morale, welfare, and recreation for “the Idaho National Guard, service members, families and [Department of Defense] retirees.” This year, Idaho National Guard MWR set a goal to “provide one care package to each recently deployed service member by Christmas 2022”. Bob Barber understood the real value of the project and recalled, “I was in the service and I truly looked forward to any communication from home. Thankfully my (now) wife would send me letters.”

Weiser Boy Scout Troop 350, sponsored by the Weiser Lions Club, decided to participate in “Operation Fill-the-Box”. Scout Master, Jeremy Boles, worked to coordinate the Scout’s efforts. The Scouts worked to earn money. Local businesses offered items at generously discounted prices while others made gracious donations. The Scouts plan to assemble 25 boxes containing a variety of toiletries, snacks, reminders of home, and useful or entertaining items. Troop 350 also made cards for the soldiers. Barber explained, “It brings a little hometown close to them.”
On Veteran’s Day, November 11, Weiser students will attend assemblies and see retired veterans in uniform, but may not comprehend the important role active service men and women play. “Operation Fill-the-Box” offers students and community members a simple and tangible way to connect. Weiser residents have a spirit of generosity and kindness that really lives up to the motto on its welcome sign: “We love our kids, our community, and our country”.
Photo provided by Bob Barber.