Hey, it’s Saturday…we made it! This has been one of those weeks that pushed me but I held on, kept going and (for the most part) got the work done. So, what inspiration have I gleaned from this? Determination. It is truly what inspired me this week. Sounds odd, I know, but the word, meaning and all around stubbornness of that word is what drove me from Monday’s sick kid to Friday’s deadline. It’s easy to make an excuse, to bump out a deadline, to tell yourself you’ll get it done…just not right now. I chose the tougher road this week and am glad I did. I may live in a small town but the people and happenings around here are many and varied and I don’t like to miss out. Had I chosen to stay home and get the sleep I’ve been missing, or have a day to just sit and watch Netflix (which is sometimes so needed!) I would’ve missed out on the opportunity I am now pursuing. What
opportunity you ask? Let’s jump down to Projects and I’ll tell ya!
The Projects…oh the projects. First and foremost, I have a new partner in crime! Her name is Stephanie and she moved in with her embroidery machine and heat-press ready to rock and roll! I love the way God will bring people and opportunity into your life without you even realizing it’s what you need. Anywho – Stephanie has been pumping out shirts, mugs, aprons and tea towels all week! She has only been official for about a week and half and the orders just keep coming. There isn’t a website up just yet but she’s got a FB and IG feed at Idaho Custom Designs that you can check out!
As for the CaseyGirl side of things, business as usual. Chair to re-upholster, cushions to make, slipcovers to finish, and repeat. Oh, and this little blog of mine is being added to one of our news teams here in Weiser! Every Saturday (barring no brain farts on my part) Saturday Morning Musings will have a spot on LivingInTheNews.Com ! Just another reason for me to love Weiser even more. What fun!
Photo on the right: Making piping for the chair.
Good Neighbors. They offer a smile and hug whenever one is needed and are always willing to help.
Opportunity. Whether I see it coming or not, it is a wonderful thing. Always be ready for that knock!
Writing as an expression. I love words but sometimes speaking them is to harsh on the ears around you, or they make you too vulnerable to bear speaking. To write though, for me there is no better way to express myself, to rid a bad thought from taking over, to tell someone how appreciated they are, to pray. Write it down and let it go…that is therapy for me.
Thank you for sitting with me! Have an absolutely wonderful day and may your week ahead bring many blessings and challenges alike!