Saturday, November 14th saw the results of the “Scouting for Food” drive for Weiser and showed what a generous community we live in. The Scouts collected over 2,700 pounds of canned and non-perishable foods from the front doors of local neighborhoods. WICAP reports that this amount is twice as much as previous years!

Scouts and volunteers collected all sorts of foods in the nationwide project. All donations go to WICAP in Weiser where they distribute food to individuals and families in need, as well as sharing donations with other groups such as LOVE, Inc. who also distribute food boxes to needy families in Washington County. Every year, Scouts learn what it is like to help others in need by performing this community service. Especially in today’s world of crisis, food insecurities are a bigger problem.
A big thank you to the Scouts and volunteers for their hard work in distributing bags, collecting donations, sorting, and delivering food to WICAP. Another huge thank you to the community for their generous giving hearts in a year where extra food is gravely needed.