November 2, 2023
By Eddie Sprinkel
4-H is a great program for children. It runs off the backs of volunteers, who give their most valuable commodity, time. Without the adult volunteers running the clubs and projects, 4-H would not happen. There are many pieces to this puzzle, the U. of I. Extension staff, parents, and outside donors.
I have had the opportunity to start a Shooting Sports project this past 4-H year. I did small bore rifle and pistol. There is a lot involved in starting any 4-H project. One of the big issues with most projects is the equipment. I applied for some different grants, the sheriff’s office donated their range, and I received a gift from my dad.
The first group that sent us items for the project was the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance. Their donation of high-quality eye and ear protection, along with bean bags for bench rests, was extremely helpful.

The Weiser chapter of the Elks Lodge was generous with a $2,500 donation. With this we have been able to purchase many items necessary. We have been able to purchase many of the smaller items that you don’t think about at first: tables, a clipboard, sand, and even a staple gun. I have also been able to purchase ammunition, targets, and a couple gun safes. This money will also help us to expand to other Shooting Sports projects like archery and shotgun.
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation was also generous with a $2,200 grant. I have been able to purchase some firearms and more ammunition. I hope to also use some of this grant to help with starting the archery and shotgun projects.
My dad donated some ammunition at the beginning, which wound up being invaluable because I had not been able to purchase any before our first range meetings.

All parties working together helped make this first year a success. A big thank you to Lt. Anderson from the sheriff’s office for helping at the range and offering his knowledge. I also want to thank Tyler O’Donnell, Terry Wilkinson, Jessica Moser, and Sarah Saterlee for their help in setting all of this up. Thank you as well to the parents for your support. I would especially like to thank my wife who was patient with me and helped me navigate the 4-H world.
If you know anyone from the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance, the Weiser Elks Lodge, or the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, please give them a big thank you from Washington County 4-H Shooting Sports. If you are interested in learning more about what they are, look them up. They have all been friendly and extremely generous. If you get a chance to say thank you to any of the individuals above, please do so.
Look for us around and about. Say hi.