
Some Fiddle Parade Details

Hi everyone,

Even though attendance at the fiddle contest had to be canceled this year due to COVID concerns, the city has given permission for the parade to be held.  Let’s make this parade the biggest and best one ever!

As is customary, the parade will be held on the last Saturday of fiddle week which will be June 26 this year.  The parade will start at 11:00 a.m. (one hour earlier than prior years) since so many people requested an earlier start time.  You can start lining up at 9:30 a.m. and judging will be at 10:00 a.m.

Another change is that you will enter the staging area from 7th Street on the side of the high school.  The Indianhead entrance to the school will be blocked and will be used only as the parade route exit.

The theme this year is “Together Again” and will be a celebration of being out of the house and among our friends and family again.  Go all out, making your entry fun, crazy and loud with music!  Attached is the registration form that should be returned to the Fiddle Contest Office by June 15.  As always, entry into the parade is free of charge.

I am sending you this email because you have shown an interest in the parade in the past.  We hope you will want to enter again this year.  Please forward this email to everyone you know and encourage them to join as well.  If you’re unable to participate in the parade, we hope you will join the onlookers along the parade route.

Let’s have some fun!!

Dorothy Evans

2021 Fiddle Parade Entry Form
Theme: Together Again!!
Date of Parade: June 26, 2021

Please Print Clearly:
Contact Name: _______________________________ Name of Parade Entry: _____________________________
Sponsor of Entry: _____________________________ # of People in Entry: Length of Entry: _______
Contact Mailing Address: _______________________ City: ______ State: _ Zip Code:
Daytime Phone: ______________ Evening Phone ___________ Cell Phone (optional) __________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________________
Brief Description of Entry: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Category: (Please mark only one)
_ Decorated Bicycle Entry (12 & under) Dance/Drill Team Entry _4-H/FFA Entry _____Political ____Float Entry (musical or otherwise) Non-Profit Entry _ Commercial/Business Entry _ Agriculture Entry
____School/Preschool/Day-Care ___Car(s) Entry ___ATV/Motorcycle ___Equestrian Entry (Check in & stage across from Rolling Hills Golf Course)
PARADE ENTRY DEADLINE: By email, mail or fax; June 15 – Entries received after this date will NOT be considered for judging.

LINE-UP ~ 9:30am – JUDGING: ~ 10:00 am – PARADE START TIME: ~ 11:00 am

CHECK-IN LOCATION: Entrance to Weiser High School – 690 West Indianhead Road.
My organization/business intends to enter in the National Oldtime Fiddlers’ Contest and Festival Parade. I/We have read the rules and regulations
and agree to abide by them. I/We do hereby release the NOTFC and Festival, Weiser Chamber of Commerce, the City of Weiser, and/or any and all
sponsors of this event, their successors, representatives, and assignees of any injury or damages while participating in the NOTFC Festival Parade
Printed Name: _________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

Please return the above registration form to: NOTFC, P.O. Box 447, Weiser, ID 83672

Phone: 208-414-0255 or Fax 208-414-0256
Or by email at

 Parade line up starts no earlier than 09:00 a.m. at the Weiser High School and surrounding streets. You will be directed to your
staging area when you check-in. NEW – enter staging area on 7 th Street.
 Please have fun with this theme – incorporate winter/snow items into your entries where possible.
 The parade route will proceed east on Indianhead Road down to State Street, turning right at State Street to Idaho Street. Left on
Idaho Street to 4 th Street, turning left on 4 th Street and ending at the Weiser Middle School, the official end of the parade.
 Equestrian Entries will stage at the lot across from Rolling Hills Golf Course at 50 West Indianhead Road.

Official Parade Rules & Regulations
2021 Parade Theme:
Together Again!!

ENTRY DEADLINE: Parade forms are due, June 15 No Exceptions There will be NO Sign-Ups at parade start.
JUDGING: ALL ENTRIES MUST BE OF A CREATIVE NATURE: Our goal is to have the parade be a fun and entertaining activity for
spectators and participants. Use of music &/or Fiddlers is strongly encouraged.
ENTRY: All entries should bear the name of the sponsoring organization, business, or individual on all viewing sides. This is very
important to those judging the entries.
 Judging for all entries will take place prior to the parade at 10:00 a.m. Entries must be present prior to the start of judging to
 “Best of Theme” Entry will receive a Rosette Ribbon Award.
 WRAPPED CANDY: If you plan to give candy out during the parade you will need to have walkers to distribute the wrapped
candy to the spectators. Do not throw candy from the parade entry. This is a safety and liability issue and is to prevent children
from running into the path of oncoming vehicles.
ASSIGNED PARADE FORMATION: Participants must maintain assigned position throughout the parade. Drivers are expected to help
keep the spacing and pace of the parade. However, during the parade you may pass an entry that is stalled or having problems.
SPEED: Entries must maintain a minimum speed throughout the parade and maintain a reasonable and safe distance apart from other
entries. Be aware of those that are walking in the parade and do not ‘crowd’ the entry in front of you.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: NO alcoholic beverages may be consumed at the line-up areas or along the parade route.
RESTROOMS: Restroom accommodations will be provided at the check-in area.
INSURANCE: Personal insurance will not be provided. We encourage all entries to check with their insurance providers to ensure
coverage while participating in the parade.
PARKING GUIDELINES: Parking will be allowed in designated spaces at Weiser High School ONLY.
PARADE START: The Parade Engineer has the final say on when an entry enters the parade. Great care is taken to make sure the parade
shows variety; all categories will be mingled. Entries will be directed from parade line-up locations to the parade start intersection.
Please watch the Parade Engineer for your signal to enter the parade. Please DO NOT blow horns or play loud music until you have
entered the parade. Please be especially considerate of equine entries regarding sudden loud noises. Please make arrangements to be
picked up at Middle School after parade as the Fiddle Bus will not be available to take parade participants back to high school.

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