
Susan McCoy Running For Weiser City Council

I’m Susan McCoy and I’m running for one of the three open Weiser City Council seats. With my experience and willingness to spend the time to do research to make good decisions, I will be a very effective leader for the City of Weiser.

My background: I was born in the Sun Valley Lodge and grew up in Hailey, which was the same type of small-town community as Weiser. The high school mascot is even the wolverine! For eight years I owned Hailey Realty. I was Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission when we wrote the first comprehensive plan for Hailey as well as updating the P & Z ordinances to match the comprehensive plan. Prior to my being on the P&Z, Robert McCulloch, of the McCulloch chainsaw, London Bridge, etc., fame, came to town and purchased a large acreage to develop. He built a sewer plant, drilled a substantial well which the city could hook into, and provided money for the city to build a new fire station. What could go wrong? He died! We learned from that experience to ask for bonds to protect the city and when I was Chairman of Planning and Zoning, we were much better prepared to deal with two new sizeable subdivisions by understanding the necessary safeguards to put in place for the city.

We moved to Boise when my husband Don got a job with the Idaho State Fire Marshal’s office. I sold Hailey Realty and started a new real estate company in Boise selling farms and dairies. With that came a lot of water right challenges. I became so efficient with straightening out water right issues that the Idaho Department of Water Resources listed me as a water right expert. After retiring, we moved to Weiser and have been here for 16 years.

In recent years, I’ve held many leadership positions, including president of Southwest Idaho Woodturners Association for two terms, as well as a board member for many years; president of P.E.O. Chapter T for two terms, president of the Ontario Bridge Club; and secretary/treasurer of Weiser’s 20th Century Club. As chairman of the P.E.O. projects committee, I’ve helped many young Weiser women obtain scholarships and grants, and I’ve helped Weiser High School and Weiser Middle School get grants for their industrial art classes. Additionally, I have been involved with the Weiser’s City and Rural Fire Departments taking photos of their fires for training purposes as well as helping to provide photos for arson investigations.

I’m not a bench sitter; I will work hard for the citizens of Weiser. Many decisions made by the city council will affect generations, so each decision must be made with that in mind. I bring to the table a great deal of experience with planning and zoning issues, as well as 25 years being a real estate broker dealing with property rights and building and fire codes which will be crucial in making the right decisions for the City of Weiser.

Thank you for your support and vote!

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