The Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley plans to make the old Institute gym their future Weiser Clubhouse. Now that the new roof has been installed the group plans to clean and purge the inside of the building. “Even though there is a lot of work to do, there is a lot of life left in this building. It’s really exciting to see it brought back and for the betterment of a community and used for the support of kids,” stated board member Liz Sansom.
Weiser graduates, Serene Hooper and Madison Kendall, are part of the board for the Western Treasure Valley. Hooper shared her excitement of starting a club in Weiser. “It’s really exciting to be back in Weiser and get to serve the youth and the people of the community here. The club is really special to both of us, so getting to bring it home is really, really exciting.”
The Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley will be holding their annual fundraiser called Boot & Blues. It will be held April 28th at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario, Oregon. Contact The Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley for tickets. Several desserts, including Weiser’s own Weiser Classic Candy, will be auctioned off at the event.
The Boys & Girls Club are always looking for board members and volunteers, especially those who know the youth in the community. If you have any questions or would like to be a part of the growth of the Weiser Clubhouse please contact them by email at or by phone at (541) 889-7979.
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