
Visions Paranormal Society Blog – Legends on Main Investigation

Below are two videos

Recently, our team had the pleasure of being invited to do an investigation by the owners of Legends On Main in Weiser. Many customers, staff and the owners themselves have reported numerous odd occurrences. These occurrences involve the sound of objects being moved, unexplained voices and seeing fast-moving shadows moving throughout the business. Although the reported activity is of a non-threatening nature, our clients simply wanted validation and some answers for what is going on. When I go into a location prior to an investigation, I always go in as an open minded skeptic looking for things that could be causing our clients concern.  Debunking is part of what we do, looking for possible environmental causes for the reported activity. This time was different due to the fact that I had my own personal experience just a few months prior that I could not debunk myself. My experience happened when I stopped in for lunch while working on another local case. As I walked down the hallway towards the rest room area, I got an icy chill as I turned the corner to go to the ladies room. At that moment I thought it was perhaps the A/C unit or unexplained draft. I opened the ladies room door to see a tall black silhouette walking quickly towards me. It startled me, and as I stepped back I said “excuse me” thinking I had walked in on another customer. The fast moving shadow then walked through me, leaving me with an icy chill and a sense of bewilderment of what had just happened. I knew it was not just another customer. As I sat at my table having my lunch, my mind went into overdrive trying to figure out what I had just witnessed. My perplexed expression caused my waitress to ask me if I was okay. I told her of my experience, and then she chuckled lightly telling me of her own experiences, as well as other staff and customers. I became very intrigued, so when Carlos and Lora asked us to investigate, we were all excited as to what we my find. Finally, the night of the investigation arrived. We gathered and discussed our game plan for the night, quickly gathering our equipment and then began our set-up. The night began with team members Niki, Heather and I setting up equipment in the restroom area and the dining room. As Heather was setting up our video camera in the hallway in the area of the restroom doors, Heather and Niki both mentioned an icy cold chill, so I began snapping still photos of the area. I looked up from my camera in time to see what looked like a wispy gray mist forming behind her, so snapped another photo. The anomaly then quickly dissipated. We all felt as if were being watched and an icy chill hung in the air. The heater was on, so we could not explain away the chill in the air. Upon review shortly after, it seems we did capture a gray mist behind Heather in front of the men’s room door. I took several photos of the same door but could not replicate it. Throughout the night, we all heard loud bangs and movement from the kitchen area, which our voice recorders picked up. Some of us also had personal experiences which we could not debunk. Team member Brad was sitting in the men’s room with the door blocked open doing an EVP session when he saw a tall gray mist suddenly appear in the doorway. At the same time Heather, who was in the ladies room with the door open, developed a sudden headache and heard footsteps shuffling in the hallway. At that time, an unexplained ball of light flew out of the ladies room towards our camera. Upon evidence review following the investigation, we found some AMAZING video of a small fast moving gray mist appear to “peek” around the corner of the bar, as well as several EVPs of voices including a child saying “Me Ma,” a woman saying “Burn, burn…” and a man saying “Get out.” Despite some of the tone of a couple of the EVPs, we believe there is nothing to fear in this location. No one feels threatened or scared. We believe that the people residing in Legends are simply not happy with strangers wandering around at night after the business is closed. They are simply looking over the place they choose to call their home. ~Deborah Frediani – Founder/Case Manager V.P.S.

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