
Washington County Commissioners minutes For February 16, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet
this 16th day of February 2021.

Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines, present; and Nate Marvin, appeared via Zoom Session.
Nate Marvin opened the meeting and Donna Atwood led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Robert Peterson gave the invocation.

Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines moved to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage License No. 30 for Dayly Step Inc., doing business as Gateway Store & Café at 4220 Highway 71, Cambridge, Idaho. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve a demand warrant payable to Columbia Bank in the amount of $512.99 for office supplies. Motion carried.
Lyndon Haines moved seconded by Kirk Chandler, to approve a demand warrant payable to Columbia Bank in the amount of $407.11 for office supplies. Motion carried.

The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of February 8, 2021 were approved as written.

Robert Peterson, Information Technology (IT) Director, met with the Board. Peterson reported the IT Committee met last week. A document sharing device has been set up in District Court, Magistrate Court, Planning and Zoning, Prosecutor, and Sheriff’s Departments. Peterson stated departments were asked to review information on the County website to ensure all information is current and up to date. Peterson informed the Board the Weed Department and Road & Bridge will be getting the fiber update in the next two weeks. KnowBe4 training with ICRMP is being completed. Peterson reported he had conducted a demonstration on the Proofpoint spam filter for county email during the IT Committee meeting and hopes to hold additional training for the Board and other departments in the future.

Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board. Brent requested approval to roll three days of vacation time. The Board agreed to allow Brent to carry over three days of vacation time.
Brent discussed a letter regarding a site-blocking fence on property located on North Crane. Marvin requested Brent follow up with Prosecutor Walker regarding the issue.
Marvin discussed an email concerning an Open Meeting Law violation. Marvin requested Brent to follow up with Prosecutor Walker regarding the complaint.
There was discussion of holding the upcoming Planning and Zoning hearings in the
District Courtroom.
Marvin requested the Board continue to receive the monthly building permit reports.
Haines discussed the presentation by Jerry Mason regarding Planning and Zoning and indicated he would forward the power point presentation to Brent.

Matt Thomas, Sheriff, met with the Board. Thomas reported he had met with Nick Reed regarding the Weiser River Music Festival. At this time, Reed intends to hold the music festival. Thomas stated he had informed Reed the festival would be required to shut down at midnight each night.
There was discussion regarding issuing a permit for this type of event. The group discussed liability insurance and the requirement of a bond in order to hold such an event.
Haines read from the code the amount of insurance and bond that was previously required.
The Board discussed the charge for permit. The current code based the permit fee on the number of spectators. The Board agreed the fee should be a set fee with no fee required if the event to be held is for less than 400 people.
Prosecutor Walker stated the county should follow a general policy. Walker stated a commercial venture can usually get a $1 million policy with $3 million aggregate. Walker suggested contacting ICRMP (Idaho Counties Risk Management Program) regarding an appropriate policy. Walker stated an entertainment company would be able to follow the Ordinance, but a private individual would not.
There was discussion of removing the decibel requirement as stated in section B of the current ordinance.

There were Board of Equalization matters brought before the Board. Assessor, Debbie Moxley-Potter, and Treasurer, Sabrina Young, met with the Board.
Moxley presented a tax cancellation on the occupancy roll on Parcel No. RPW1940000004A in the amount of $558.11. The square footage of the home was
recorded incorrectly. Young reported no payments have been made on the parcel at this time. The first installment is due March 22, 2021.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to cancel taxes on Parcel No.
RPW1940000004A in the amount of $558.11. Motion carried.
Moxley informed the Board of taxes that will need to be recovered on a mobile home in the amount of $176.11 from a homeowner who has moved. Moxley will send a letter to the homeowner regarding the issue.

Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board. Marvin discussed the letter received from Cathy Keach regarding an Open Meeting Law violation. Walker stated it was a legislative discussion in an open meeting. Due to lack of quorum, no action was taken and there was no Open Meeting Law violation. Walker discussed the items that were allowed under the legislative process.
The agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting was reviewed. Walker stated no one was kept from attending the meeting. Open Meeting Law violation would have been if it had not been an agendaed meeting. Walker stated Keach is welcome to discuss the matter further with the Attorney General’s Office. It was not a quasi-judicial meeting. The primary purpose of Open Meeting Law is to prevent secret meetings.
Walker stated Planning and Zoning does need to continue to have work sessions on county code.
Walker discussed Demand letter on property in Cambridge. Walker stated Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, will need to follow up on the matter to see if any progress has been made. If warranted, a complaint may need to be filed at a later date.
Walker stated the County is allowed to regulate for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens. The condition of the subject property does effect the value of neighboring properties.
Marvin inquired on the status of the Salubria Pit property located near Cambridge, Idaho.
Walker stated the property will be offered to the adjacent property owners first.
Walker will review the updated contract with Northwest Elevator for approval at a later date.

Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to recess as the Board of Washington County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Lyndon Haines, present; Kirk Chandler, present; and Nate Marvin, appeared via Zoom Session.
Luke Smith, Ambulance District Director, met with the Board. Smith reported the
Ambulance District had twenty-six calls for service which included four transfers and seven assists/refusals for care.
Order No 21-14 for general expenses in the amount of $3,028.47 and Order No. 21 10 for payroll expenses in the amount of $25,378.39 were presented to the Board for review.
Smith informed the Board the security camera system has been ordered. Smith stated that Tyler Lindsay accepted the position of a full-time paramedic.
Smith stated work schedules are being reviewed in order to provide more ALS
(Advanced Life Support) services.
Smith reported Dodd Snodgrass will be requesting bids for the new ambulance intended to be purchased with grant funds.
Smith presented a Request for Hire for Steve Babb as a part-time driver. Smith stated that Babb is currently enrolled in the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) class. The Board approved the request.
Smith discussed various items to be addressed with Systems Design regarding best practices on collections, non-sufficient fees on returned checks, handling of accounts on deceased patients.

Lyndon Haines moved to approve and read Resolution 21-07 regarding Fair Housing into record. The motion was seconded by Kirk Chandler. Motion carried unanimous.
Kirk Chandler signed the previously approved Citizen’s Participation Plan. Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve Order No. 21-14 for general expenses in the amount of $3,028.47. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve Order No. 21-0010 for payroll expenses in the amount of $25,378.39. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to recess as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners. Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines, present; and Nate Marvin, appeared via Zoom Session.

Jay Langer met with the Board. Also present was Mike Keach. Jay Langer addressed the Board. Langer requested information on the voting machines used in the General
Election. Langer stated he knows the process of getting the ballot into the machine and inquired what happens after it becomes a “ballot image”.
Atwood stated that the ballot is placed into the tabulator; the ballot is then scanned much like items that are scanned at a store. Once all the ballot information is received by the Clerk’s Office, the information is sent in to have ballots printed. The information is then sent to ES&S (Election Systems & Software), who formats the ballot. The formatted ballot is then sent to the Clerk’s Office and reviewed to ensure all information is accurate.
The ballots are then sent to be printed. ES&S creates an election definition that is on an encrypted thumb drive and not the internet. The election definition is loaded onto each tabulator.
Langer stated the software for most of these machines use software from Smartmatic.
Atwood stated Washington County uses Election Systems and Software.
Langer informed the group that in the “Battleground States” information was ending up overseas.
Atwood stated she could not speak to what has happened anywhere other than here in Washington County.

Langer inquired if the tabulators are connected to a computer.
Atwood stated the only time a computer is used is when the Clerk’s office is uploading results at the end of the night. The tabulators are not connected to the internet or a computer. The tabulators print a tape indicating the number of votes each candidate receives. Atwood stated the DS200 was certified by the State of Idaho in 2014.
Chandler shared a written overview of the processes followed.
Langer inquired how the absentee ballot process works. Atwood stated there was not a mass mailing of ballots. Voters are required to request a ballot to be mailed to them. The request form must be signed by the voter and returned to the Clerk’s Office. When the voted ballots are returned to the Clerk’s Office, they must be in the return envelope provided and the return envelope must be signed by the voter.
All signatures are verified.
Mike Keach stated his wife received a ballot and had not signed up for a mail out ballot.
Atwood stated all absentee ballot request forms are kept on file in the Clerk’s Office. If a voter marks the request form for the entire year, the voter will be mailed a ballot unless they notify the Clerk’s Office stating they do not want to receive the requested ballot. The Clerk’s office received calls from people who thought they did or did not request a ballot for both elections.
Chandler stated there was a place on the absentee request form to mark if you wanted to receive an absentee ballot in November as well. Chandler stated he had marked his request form for November and if you did not want to receive the November ballot you had to notify the Clerk’s Office. If you did not, a ballot was mailed.

Chandler stated he had talked with Seth Grigg and was informed the Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) will be drafting a response to Congressman Simpson’s proposal to remove dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Several Counties have contacted IAC expressing concerns on the proposal.

Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms discussed the possible purchase of a Kawasaki Mule from Idaho Surplus for Solid Waste.

Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin to approve the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule from Idaho Surplus for Solid Waste. Motion carried.
Odoms presented an Application for Placement of Culverts/Approaches for property located on South Crane an owned by Shawn and Rachael Kidd to the Board.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve the Application for
Placement of Culverts/Approaches for property located on South Crane Creek owned by Shawn and Racheal Kidd. Motion carried.
Chandler discussed road conditions near Lacey’s Pit in Cambridge.
Odoms discussed the condition of Loafer Lane. Odoms stated that 9 th Street and Loafer Lane both need work. Odoms informed the Board there are plans to asphalt Goodrich Road this summer.
Odoms stated the estimated cost of snow removal and sanding year to date including wages is $181,000.00. Odoms informed the Board 10,000.00 gallons of fuel was ordered today at a cost of $2.20 per gallon.
Odoms presented documentation from the Office of Emergency Management for reimbursement to the county in the amount of $9,866.30 from the State of Idaho for expenses incurred during the Snow Event in 2017.
Chandler signed the documentation.
Motion by Nate Marvin, seconded by Kirk Chandler and unanimously carried to recess at 12:20 p.m. until February 22, 2021 at 8:45 a.m.

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners


A full audio recording of the Commissioner Meeting is available at the Clerk’s Office

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