
Washington County Commissioners minutes From February 1st & 8th

February 1, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet this 1st day of February 2021.

Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines, present;
and Nate Marvin, present.
Nate Marvin opened the meeting and Lyndon Haines led the Pledge of Allegiance. Kirk
Chandler gave the invocation.

Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.
Haines reported that he attended the Southwest District Health Board meeting last week.
Haines also stated that he and Chandler attended the Public Lands meeting with Idaho Association of Counties via Zoom.
Chandler reported that he had attended the Idaho Cattleman’s Association Beef School last week in Cambridge.
Information Technology Director, Robert Peterson, presented a quote for a server upgrade for the courthouse in the amount of $8,890.00.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve the server upgrade in the amount of $8,890.00. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the following: a January 25, 2021 letter from the United States Department of Agriculture regarding proposed updates to the Rangeland Management Directives; a January 27, 2021 letter from Morgan and Rebecca Skow regarding a complaint filed on an undocumented airport/airstrip/airfield; and a January 22, 2021 letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding Case No. 20-10- 1389A and property located in the flood plain.
The Board discussed the proposed secure entrance to the courthouse. The Board requested a meeting time be scheduled next week.

The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of January 25, 2021 were approved as amended.

Bonnie Davis, Weed Superintendent, met with the Board. Davis reported the current rodent tail count is 3,197 tails with a budget balance of $27,003.75.
Davis informed the Board that she participated in the Cost Share Review last week. Davis stated that hay certification training will be on February 10, 2021. This will be a virtual training. The recertification class with be held February 18, 2021 at the Fairgrounds from 6:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
Davis stated the Rodent and Weed Board meetings will be on February 9, 2021 at the Weed Department.
Davis discussed the Poster Contest and the process that will be followed this year. Davis will be in contact with the school districts and provide information to allow students to participate in the contest.

Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board.
Marvin stated that he and Brent are drafting a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission members regarding participation in meetings.
Brent reported new county maps have been printed. Brent will display them in the Commissioners meeting room. Brent informed the Board she hopes to start having Planning and Zoning hearings in March.
Marvin presented information from Payette County regarding the Special Use Permit granted to Lance Hoch.

Sheriff, Matt Thomas, stated he is hoping to schedule a meeting with Prosecuting Attorney, Delton Walker, to discuss the process to follow requesting bids for the
plumbing work in the jail. There was discussion regarding the progress of updating
Entertainment Assembly Ordinance.
Washington County Treasurer, Sabrina Young, reported that the transient roll was mailed last Friday. Young stated that her office is currently working on completing the 2020 supplemental roll. Young informed that delinquent personal property demand letters were mailed out in January with a due date of February 4, 2021.

Young reported that she has a position opening and hopes to have the position filled by late March.
Young informed the Board that the tax deed public hearing is scheduled for April 26, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. Young stated there are currently nine parcels pending tax deed.
Young discussed a draft credit card policy to be added to the County personnel handbook. Young discussed the current credit limits on county credit cards. It was agreed to set the credit card limit on a case by case basis.
Young discussed current proposed legislation and Senate Bill 1021 regarding budgeting new construction, carry over and budget caps. Young reported the Treasurer’s Association is working with the Assessor’s Association to implement changes to legislation that was passed last year regarding the homeowner’s exemption. There was discussion of the need to plan for large projects in the budget.
Assessor, Debbie Moxley-Potter, informed the Board that the Appraiser’s office and
Department of Motor Vehicles are now fully staffed. Moxley-Potter stated the work on the occupancy and transient roll has been completed by the Assessor’s Office.
Clerk, Donna Atwood, discussed a draft letter from County officials addressed to the
legislature regarding proposed legislation. Atwood stated the letter was drafted from
suggestions from Idaho Association of Counties and if any of the Elected Officials were not in favor of signing the letter, their names could be removed. Prosecuting Attorney, Delton Walker, requested that his name be removed from the letter.
There was discussion of funding during an emergency. Chandler stated he would rather speak with Seth Grigg before signing the letter.
Atwood informed the Board of the flooding in the radio room that occurred on January 29, 2021. There was discussion of purchasing floor drying fans.

Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines, to go into executive session at 10:05 a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1)(f) to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Motion carried unanimous. Kirk Chandler, Aye; Lyndon Haines, Aye;
Nate Marvin, Aye.

Nate Marvin stated they were out of executive session at 10:32 a.m.

Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to recess as the Board of Washington County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Luke Smith, Ambulance District Director, met with the Board. Also present was Ambulance District Administrative Advisor, Tim Atwood.
Smith reported that the Ambulance District had thirty-one calls for service that included ten transfers and four lift/assists or refusals for care.
Smith stated that a security camera system has been selected. Smith will confirm if there is funding in the budget before completing the purchase.
Smith reported that training with Dr. Donahue was held on January 30, 2021. Dr. Donahue plans to continue with quarterly trainings. Smith stated he is planning monthly trainings with staff and hopes to include Cambridge and Midvale.
Smith will provide copies of a Professional Services Contract for the grant writer. Smith will forward the contract to Prosecuting Attorney, Delton Walker, for review.
Smith stated he is continuing to conduct an audit of personnel files and policies.
Order No 21-12 for general expenses in the amount of $9,247.01 and Order No. 21-12 for payroll expenses in the amount of $25,670.25 were presented to the Board for review.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve Order No 21-12 for general expenses in the amount of $9,247.01. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve Order No. 21-9 for payroll expenses in the amount of $25,670.25. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to go into executive session at 10:45 a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1) (a & b) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office, (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Motion carried unanimous. Kirk
Chandler, Aye; Lyndon Haines, Aye; Nate Marvin, Aye.
Nate Marvin stated they were out of executive session at 10:57 a.m.

Dan Coleman and Kurt Folke with Quest CPA’s met with the Board. Dan Coleman
presented the annual audit.
There was discussion regarding the depreciation schedule, the monies in reserve, and how proposed legislation can affect taxing districts.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to recess as the Board of the Weiser
Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.

Kurt Folke with Quest CPA’s reviewed the annual County Audit with the Board. County
fund balances were reviewed and found to be in good standing. Folke stated GASB 84
and GASB 87 will be implemented in the next couple years which will require additional reporting.

Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms presented an application to change an existing access on Weiser River Road.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve the Application for Placement of Culverts/Approaches for Dennis Townsend for property located on Weiser River Road. Motion carried.
The group discussed maintenance on Unity Bridge. Odoms stated he is working with
LHTAC (Local Highway Technical Assistance Council) regarding work on the bridge.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve the advertising for
engineering for preliminary design and some of the environmental work for Unity
Bridge. Motion carried.

Odoms presented a demand warrant payable to Valor Industries in the amount of
$1,442.40 for vehicle repairs on the backhoe trailer.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve the demand warrant
payable to Valor Industries in the amount of $1,442.40 for vehicle repairs on the backhoe trailer. Motion carried.
Odoms discussed the Road Standards that were adopted in 2013. Maintenance on Bruce Lane and improvements to county roads were discussed. Odoms will review the Road Standards with the Highway District in order to develop uniform standards countywide.
Odoms presented the Washington County Road and Bridge Department Standards and Procedures and the Washington County Solid Waste Department Standards and
Procedures to the Board. The group discussed both documents.
Odoms discussed cross training between Road and Bridge and Solid Waste.
Kirk moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to adopt the Washington County Road and
Bridge Department Standards and Procedures and the Washington County Solid Waste Department Standards and Procedures. Motion carried.

The Board conducted the quarterly jail inspection. The facility was found to be in good
repair with no incidents to report.
Motion by Kirk Chandler, seconded by Lyndon Haines and unanimously carried to recess at 2:00 p.m. until February 8, 2021 at 8:45 a.m.

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners

February 8, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet
this 8 th day of February 2021.

Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines, present;
and Nate Marvin, present.
Nate Marvin opened the meeting and Robert Peterson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Nate Marvin gave the invocation.

Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.
Haines informed the Board that he attended the SREDA (Snake River Economic
Development Alliance) meeting last week. Haines also participated in the Justice and
Public Safety and Transportation meeting hosted by Idaho association of Counties.
Haines also stated he listened to the Legislative update. Haines stated he had talked to Nick Reed and Zane Beams last week who had informed him they intend to hold the Weiser River Music Festival this year.
The group discussed funding the State may pass down to local governments.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve a demand warrant payable to Lyndon Haines in the amount of $93.84 for cell phone and mileage reimbursement. Motion carried.
Marvin discussed House Bill 53 which allows counties to post public notices on their
websites instead of the local newspaper. Marvin encouraged the other commissioners to write the legislature in support of the bill.
Marvin stated he will be attending meetings via zoom through March 8, 2021.
Chandler stated the Board of Equalization training is scheduled for March 31, 2021 in
Canyon County. Chandler stated this is a planned in-person training.

The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of February 1, 2021 were approved as written.

The Auditor was authorized to issue warrants totaling $157,569.76 for general expenses by a motion of Lyndon Haines, seconded by Kirk Chandler. Motion carried.

Dahlia Stender, Juvenile Probation Supervisor, met with the Board. Stender provided a department update regarding juvenile cases in Washington County. Stender discussed the mentoring program with the Board. Stender also provided information on juveniles currently in State custody and the costs incurred.
Stender stated the Strengthening Families training will take place on March 15 through 17, 2021 as a virtual conference.

Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board. Also present was Building Inspector Steve Pierson and John Jensen.
Brent discussed deed searches currently handled by her office. Brent informed the Board that Washington County is one of the few counties doing deed searches for the public.
Brent stated it is a very time consuming process and uses taxpayers dollars for an
individual’s needs. Brent discussed the process followed by neighboring counties who
send title search requests to a title company. Brent suggested title searches be handled by the title companies moving forward as this is a liability on the county. Planning and Zoning would continue to make the final determination on whether or not there are building splits available on a property.
The Board instructed Brent to complete the title searches she is currently working on.
Moving forward searches will be completed by the property owner or sent to the title
companies to complete.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines, to approve the county request an
individual conduct their own deed search for building permit purposes effective February 8, 2021. Motion carried.
Steve Pierson provided information on tiny homes. Pierson stated there have been
inquiries to the department. Pierson informed the Board that tiny house will have to meet the same requirements as a mobile home. County ordinance states there must be a minimum of 500 square feet of livable floor space. Pierson stated if a tiny home is to be a permanent residence it should be on a foundation.
Haines suggested adding a definition of a tiny home to County Code.

Marvin inquired about requirements of snow load. Pierson stated the manufacturer would be responsible for meeting snow load requirements.
Pierson stated persons may want to add tiny homes in order to care for elderly parents or mother-in-law quarters.
Brent stated persons wanting to place tiny homes on their property would need to apply for a special use permit.
Chandler stated he would like to have a hearing on proposed changes to county code.
Haines disagreed the changes should be broken out and not addressed all at one time.
Marvin stated he agreed with Haines.
Brent stated that there is currently five hearings scheduled for March.
Brent stated she would like to be provided with information whenever a person splits
their property.
Debbie Moxley-Potter stated the Assessor has no control on a property split. The county does not receive information prior to the document being recorded.
Marvin stated letters have been sent to Planning and Zoning members requesting
participation in meetings and hearing.

Tony Buthman, Emergency Manager, met with the Board. Buthman discussed
presentations he had given over the past month. Buthman stated the Local Emergency Planning Committee discussed updating the County Hazard Mitigation Plan annually in order to keep it more current and ready for renewal in 2025.
Buthman reported the current snow pack in the County is 94%.
Buthman discussed administration of the COVID-19 vaccine and number of cases reported. Buthman also discussed concerns of cell/radio service in some areas of the county.

Lorri Nakamura, Social Services Deputy Clerk, met with the Board.

Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to go into executive session at 9:53 a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1) (d)to consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in chapter 3, title 9, Idaho Code. Motion carried. Kirk Chandler, Aye; Lyndon Haines, Aye; Nate Marvin, Aye.
Nate Marvin stated they were out of executive session at 9:57 a.m.
Kirk Chandler moved to deny Case No. 2021-04 as the County is not the last resource, the applicant was approved for Medicaid as of November 1, 2020, the applicant is not medically indigent, the applicant failed to cooperate with the County, and the application is incomplete. The motion was seconded by Lyndon Haines. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to accept the Deputy Clerk’s Reasons for Approval or Denial. Motion carried.

Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board. Walker discussed an email
regarding land use hearing and scheduling separate times where attention can be focused on proposed code changes. There was discussion of holding special sessions.
Marvin stated he felt the county should move forward with the hearings that have been delayed due to COVID. Marvin stated there are currently four scheduled for March and three or four more scheduled for April. Marvin stated after the hearings are completed they could address the proposed changes to County Code.
Chandler stated the proposed code changes need to be addressed and believes the
Commissioners should handle those.
Walker stated the Planning and Zoning are in place to help evaluate the proposed changes with the community.
Walker stated quasi-judicial issues (land use) need to be completed.
Haines inquired for clarification of the process to follow. Walked stated a coordinated
effort between the Commissioners and the Planning and Zoning Commission would be
the best solution.
Marvin stated the Planning and Zoning office has agreed to put together a list of items that need to be addressed.
There was discussion of tiny homes and what requirements that need to be put in place.
Walker discussed doing a section of the code at a time versus addressing the entire code.

Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to recess as the Board of Washington County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Luke Smith, Ambulance District Director, met with the Board. Also present was Ambulance District Administrative Advisor, Tim Atwood.
Order No. 21- 13 for general expenses in the amount of $ 8,090.82 was presented to the Board for review.
Dodd Snodgrass with Clearwater Economic Development Association explained the
services that he will provide in assisting with the grant writing and administration of
CDBG (Community Development Block Grant)-CV CARES funding which is a special
allocation to assist districts acquire services or equipment. Through the program, the
County would be required to sponsor the application.
Prosecutor Walker stated he had reviewed the contract and inquired how the funding
would be used.
Marvin stated the funding would be used to purchase a new ambulance with needed
Snodgrass informed the group the procurement process will need to be followed, a Fair Housing Resolution will have to be adopted, and a Citizen Participation Plan. A public hearing would be scheduled at a later date. The funding is to be expended by June 2022 which allows time for the ambulance to be built and delivered. The grant application should be completed by March 12, 2021 and then submitted for approval.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve the signing of the Professional Services Contract between Clearwater Economic Development Association and the Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried.
Smith reported the District had twenty-two calls for service which included eight
transfers and four lift assists/refusals for care last week.
Smith presented a request to purchase a security camera system with the approximate cost of $1,948.00 to the Board for review.

Smith reported he had ordered a demo bag to replace the current bags used to carry needed gear on all calls. Smith informed the Board of upkeep/maintenance that needs to be done on the station.
Smith stated he intends to schedule monthly educational trainings for staff members.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve Order No. 21-13 for
general expenses in the amount of $8,090.82. Motion carried.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Nate Marvin to approve the purchase of a security camera system for the approximate cost of $1,948.00. Motion carried.
The group discussed the purchase of a chase vehicle for the Ambulance District. Smith stated a SUV would be the most appropriate for the District.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to go into executive session at 11:02
a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1) (a & b) to consider hiring a public officer,
employee, staff member or individual agent. This paragraph does not apply to filling a
vacancy in an elective office, (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff
member or individual agent, or public school student. Motion carried unanimous. Kirk
Chandler, Aye; Lyndon Haines, Aye; Nate Marvin, Aye.
Nate Marvin stated they were out of executive session at 11:25 a.m.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to recess as the Board of the Weiser
Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.

Dion Zimmerman with Design West met with the Board. Zimmerman discussed the
process to move forward with the construction of a secure entrance to the courthouse.
Zimmerman presented an amended contract and a proposed work schedule with an
estimated start date of March 31, 2021. A bid date of June 1, 2021. Construction is
expected to begin approximately July 1, 2021. The group discussed how to assist persons with disabilities during the construction process. Zimmerman stated the Historical Society will need to be consulted regarding the construction of the entrance.

Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to allow the Chairman to sign the
amended Professional Services Agreement between Design West and Washington
County. Motion carried.

Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms
presented an Application for Placements of Culverts/Approaches for property located on Farm to Market Road in Midvale to the Board for review.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to approve the Application for
Placement of Culverts/Approaches submitted by Alex Walker for property located on
Farm to Market Road. Motion carried.
The group discussed the conditions of county roads and adding rock to Waite Road.
Marvin inquired who is working on Couper Road. Odoms stated the work is being done by the contractor.
Marvin signed the previously approved copies of the Washington County Road and
Bridge and Solid Waste Guidelines and Procedures. Odoms stated he had reviewed the documents with the employees.
Motion by Nate Marvin, seconded by Kirk Chandler and unanimously carried to recess at 1:28 p.m. until February 16, 2020 at 8:45 a.m.

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners



A full audio recording of the Commissioner Meeting is available at the Clerk’s Office
upon request.

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