
Washington County Extension Office Awards Branch Memorial Award

By Tyler O’Donnell

This year the 4-H extension office is proud to present our newest award, the Weldon and Irene Branch  memorial market animal. This award has been set up in memory of Weldon and Irene Branch, who were  supporters of the County Fair and the 4-H mission, giving young people access to opportunity. This is  precisely what this fund is doing for two 4-H members in our county, Scarlett and Pacey. Scarlett was the  overall winner, with Pacey being runner-up. Scarlett has received a $1,000 check to be used on her lamb  market project this year. Scarlett is hoping that this award will allow her to become more independent  and responsible for her 4-H animals. Last year at County Fair Scarlett exhibited a market lamb project  and is hoping to build off her successes of last year. Through this award Scarlett will be able to purchase  much needed equipment such as lamb blankets, a lamb stand and a blower. Scarlett holds the officer  position of secretary in her 4-H club, the middle valley stockmen. Scarlett hopes to gain more  independence this year, especially when taking care of and training her animals. We look forward to  seeing Scarlett reach these goals and hope that this inspires other hard-working 4-H members to strive  for the motto, to make the best better. 

Pacey was selected as the runner-up for the Branch Memorial Award, and he will be given a gift card to  D&B Supply to purchase equipment and feed for his market lamb project. Pacey is a third year 4-H  member from Hitt Mountain Livestock. Pacey has been involved in the County fair since he was 4 years  old, when he shadowed his older sister, who is also a long time 4-H member. Pacey hopes to use the gift  card toward purchasing feed and a blower for his market sheep projects.  

The Branch Memorial Award provides a great opportunity for our young people, and we are thankful to  the Branch family for their support of positive youth development right here in Washington County. 4-H  presents youth with skills needed to succeed in life, such as responsibility, integrity, service, and  character.  

The Branch Memorial award is open to any 4-H member who has completed at least one animal project  and is a member in good standing. For more information on next year’s memorial animal, please contact  the Extension office. 

The Branch Memorial animal is funded through monetary donations made to our program. If you would like to donate, please contact the Washington County Extension Office.

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