October 23, 2023
At the Washington County Commissioner meeting this morning, Washington County Sheriff’s Office had the honor of recognizing a few of our outstanding team members with Life Saving Commendations and Sheriff Commendations.
Sgt. Casey Waite and Deputy Russell Haggerty were presented the Life Saving Commendations by Lt. Robert Rebman and Sheriff Matt Thomas for their quick thinking and teamwork during an attempted suicide in the Detention Facility on March 7th, 2022. C. Waite and R. Haggerty are exemplary individuals and showed their dedication to protecting and serving on this day.

Lead Detective Jorden Doggett, Detective Chris Beltran, Deputy Corey Crumpton, Deputy Gail Routson and Officer Joshua Pratt (Weiser City Police) were presented Sheriff Commendations by Sheriff Matt Thomas, Lt. Jeff Anderson and Lt. Kim Chipman for their bravery and dedication in the apprehension of murder suspect John Cody Hart on October 1st, 2022. Their knowledge, precise decision making, and expedited response led to a successful arrest following a terrible tragedy.
The information was shared on the Washington County Facebook page.