By Dorothy Evans
It was a lucky break for the Weiser American Red Cross blood drive when Jayme Skehan moved to town three months ago. Born and raised in New York City, Jayme spent the last eight years as an Executive Nurse, contracting with hospitals around the country while earning her doctorate degree.
Deciding to settle down, Jayme started looking at small towns, particularly in Idaho. She told me that she chose Weiser, Weiser did not choose her. She accepted the position of Chief Nursing Officer at Weiser Memorial Hospital and is now a Weiserite with a strong New York accent.
Being passionate about community volunteering and giving back, Jayme enthusiastically promoted the blood drive to her nurses. Thanks to Jayme, several first-time blood donors arrived at Weiser’s blood drive on March 8. In all, about 15 Weiser Memorial Hospital staff was in attendance contributing to our 76-unit draw.
We appreciate all our donors. Those giving their permission to print their name are: Jason Bair, Fred Haun, Rachal Messersmith, Rick Haynes, Chris McCord, Sabrina Young, Sherry Young, Chris Christopherson, Kasey Davis, Jim Hardenbrook, Bret Karnes, Gilbert Salazar, Aurora Salazar, Wil Overgaard, Shari Main, Russell Shelton, Kathy Shelton, Pat Sullivan, Mary Walker, Colleen Edwards, Sue Slade, Karen Ross, Mari Bionaz, Scott Conklin, Hilary Kile, Rylee MacKay, Hans Boettcher, Bob Barber, Jayme Skehan, Phil Condon, Justin Beach, Mark Christensen, Danielle Marvin, Brittany Huntsman, Ed Roukema, Bridger Thomas, Suzanna Hubele, Linda McLaughlin, Barbara Huck, Brad Spencer, Gennie Christopherson, Mary Smith, Lupita Rodriguez, Charles Zinn, Ben Hathhorn, Sherry Moore, Tina Watkins, Brian Johnson, Molly Jensen, Jan Mullins, Michael Hartnett Janet MacLean, Jill Linder, Rebecca Wooten, Jessica Lopez, Dean Anderson and Maria Almunza.

The blood drive could not happen without the help of the volunteers. Blood drive chairman, Alex Chavarria, pulled it all together by lining up and calling donors. Coordinator Dorothy Evans worked the registration table during the drive and enters future appointments into the database after the drive. Pat West and Thereasa Rasmussen helped at the registration table. Mary Walker, Dolores Larsen, Jan Mullins, Vicki Sale, Vi Peterson and Vickie Thomas of Nu Masters sorority prepared sandwiches for the donors and a fun hot dog lunch for the workers and volunteers. Nu Masters is a member of the Beta Sigma Phi City Council who funds the purchase of the food. We are also grateful to MTE for their generous contribution that pays for supplies and WIFI and the Weiser Chamber Of Commerce.
Weiser’s next quarterly blood drive will be held in the Vendome Events Center on Wednesday, May 3, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please call Alex Chavarria at 208 602-7138 or Dorothy Evans at 208-549-5589 to schedule an appointment or go on the American Red Cross website to reserve your time slot. Your blood could save a life.
There’s no better way to spend an hour of your time.