I. REPORTS A. Superintendent Report B. Administrator Reports (written reports)Supporting Docs/Links attached to this item II. CITIZEN COMMENTS III. WEA COMMENTS IV. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve Minutes of Prior MeetingSupporting Docs/Links attached to this item B. Current Meeting Agenda C. Consider Staff Retirement/Resignation Notice(s) D. Consider Hiring of Staff E. Financial ReportSupporting Docs/Links attached to this item F. Approval and Payment of BillsSupporting Docs/Links attached to this item V. ACTION ITEMS A. Consider Declaration of Snow Day for District Staff on February 14, 2025 B. Acknowledge Category 1 Letters For Certified Staff – To Be Sent C. Consider Second Reading Policy 2470 Procedure and 2470 Form/Application D. Consider Adoption of Amended Three Year Calendar Supporting Docs/Links attached to this item E. Executive Session: I.C. 74-206(a) – Personnel F. Consider Contract for Weiser School District Superintendent for FY26Supporting Docs/Links attached to this item G. Consider Rehire of Principals and Academic Achievement DirectorSupporting Docs/Links attached to this item H. Consider Rehire of Food Services Director; Maintenance Director; IT Director; Transportation Director; and Lawns & Grounds DirectorSupporting Docs/Links attached to this item I. Consider Hire of Pioneer School Principal – Eric Davis VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Future Agenda Items B. District Policy #5360 – Dress Code and District Policy #3255 Student DressSupporting Docs/Links attached to this item VII. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION VIII. ADJOURNMENT