
Weiser School District Upcoming Levy Election

Dear WSD Patrons, 

The Weiser School District Board of Trustees approved a resolution calling for a Plant and Facility  Levy to be held on March 14, 2023. The purpose of the levy is to replace a current eight year levy that  is set to expire in June 2023, originally approved by voters in 2015. 

The proposal asks voters to consider $500,000 per year for four years. The estimated cost to  homeowners is expected to be approximately $59.44 per $100,000 in taxable value. The expiring levy  was set at $310,000 a year and costs approximately $36.85 per $100,000 in taxable value. 

If approved, these funds may ONLY be used to address plant and facility conditions. 

Over the last several months a WSD Facilities Committee evaluated each District owned facility and  reviewed feedback from parents, patrons, and staff to develop a list of prioritized needs at each  location. Present condition and potential for increased deterioration, safety concerns, and desire for  facility enhancements were considered when establishing priorities. Items were assigned a Priority  number 1-3, with Priority 1 being the most pressing. 

Priority 1 items include addressing the need for camera and buzzer systems at the main and secondary  entrance at each school in order to allow for doors to remain monitored and locked throughout the  school day; water mitigation measures intended to address issues that threaten foundations, roofs, and  asphalt; measures to address failing door locks throughout buildings that cause access and safety  concerns; upgrades to kitchen floors; updates to restrooms; and an evaluation of vehicle access and bus  access at Pioneer School, to name a few. 

The lists of priorities can be found on the WSD website at Priorities are  subject to change as new information is considered or as new needs are identified. 

The current estimated cost to address Priority 1 items is $787,000, while the estimated cost to address  Priority 2 items is $927,500. The cost for addressing Priority 3 items is still being determined. 

The committee believes existing plant and facility funds combined with a projected additional  $500,000 will allow the committee to adequately address Priority 1 items as well as provide a  contingency for new items or unexpected costs. The committee anticipates addressing Priority 2 items  in years two and three, and then reprioritizing needs and beginning to address Priority 3 needs in year  four. 

Pioneer School was originally built in 1955; Park in 1956; WMS in 1980; and WHS in 1967. Each  building received upgrades in 1994, and the auxiliary gym at WHS was built in 2005. The WMS gym  was completed in 1938. 

A public meeting will be held on Thursday, March 2nd at the Vendome in Weiser for anyone wishing  to learn more and ask questions about the proposed levy. Additional information can be found on the  Weiser School District website. 


Wade Wilson, Superintendent 

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