By Quincy Clary.
Photos from Mr. Lundberg.
The WHS Robotics Team has recently participated in multiple tournaments during this month of February. On February 4th, the WHS Robotics Team traveled to Vallivue and competed against 34 teams from around the valley. A total of three teams from WHS Robotics competed; 9551A, 9551B and 9551E. With the competitive competition, team 9551A from WHS won the Skills Competition and brought home a trophy. Due to their outstanding win in the tournament, team 9551A earned an invite to the State Tournament.
Along with crushing this first competition at Vallivue, WHS Robotics also did amazing at their Vale Tournament. February 11th, WHS Robotics competed against 33 teams also across the valley. A total of four teams from WHS Robotics participated; 9551A, 9551B, 9551C, and 9551E. The Vale tournament concluded with 3rd place for team 9551A, a close match in the semifinals for team 9551B, and an invitation to the State Tournament for team 9551 E.

WHS Robotics is thrilled for the upcoming State Competition. State will be hosted by Idaho State University in Pocatello on February 25th. The teams that will compete in state are the top 30 high school teams from Idaho. In addition, WHS will bring three teams to state; 9551 A, 9551 B, and 9551 E.

The WHS Robotics Team has won major achievements this last academic year. Mr. Lundberg specifically is unbelievably proud. “I am so proud of the robotic students. They have been working really hard and putting in lots of extra time on robotics. All the work has paid off!” Wish WHS Robotics good luck as they compete in state this upcoming week. All participants from The WHS Robotics Teams are listed above.