November 17, 2021
Dear WSD Parents and Patrons,
We are thrilled to have our high school football team qualify to play in the State Championship football game which will be held in Holt Arena in Pocatello this Friday, November 19th. The game is scheduled for 5:30 pm.
We understand the significance of the opportunity for our team, our schools, and for our community. We realize that we will have a large number of students who will either participate in the game or support our team through cheerleading, band, or as a member of our student body.
The 5:30 pm game time in Pocatello is problematic for our schools, and particularly for Weiser High School.
Although we anticipate that many students will attend the game with their families, and therefor need to leave school early on Friday, we plan to hold school as scheduled at Pioneer School, Park School, and at Weiser Middle School. However, each school may need to adjust their schedule and activities for the day as we know that we will be short staff members in each school as some staff plan to attend the game.
Weiser High School will likely feel the greatest impact with student and staff absences.
Consequently, we plan to dismiss high school students at the end of second period on Friday, at 10:21 am. Students who are traveling to the game with the cheer team, band, or on the spectator bus will leave school at 11:00 am. Those traveling to the game on a Weiser school bus will need a permission form signed by a parent.
Buses will not run for high school students until the regular times on Friday (approximately 3:30 pm). Buses will run at the regular afternoon time for all other schools. High school students who have transportation or another way to go home after 2nd period are welcome to do so. Those who need school transportation may stay at the high school until the end of the day and work on school work. Students who stay at school will be directed to go to a supervised location within the school to do their work.
We apologize for the late notice and for any inconveniences this change in scheduling at WHS may cause for you or for your child. We also understand that there will be interruptions at the other schools. However, we are thrilled for the success of our football team and feel fortunate to be able to support our team and community in this special event.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. GO WOLVERINES!
Wade Wilson, Superintendent