By Iuri Melo
Are you feeling stuck in life? Are you struggling to find your way forward? The power of your personal philosophy can help you have the courage to take control of your life.
In this article, I want to explore three quotes that can empower you to shape the way you look at life and to choose your response to the external events of your life.
The first quote comes from Viktor Frankl and it states: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
This quote speaks to our ability to influence and impact our life. It is an empowering and motivating realization that we have the power to choose how we react to the events of our life. We are the meaning makers and it is up to us to craft, decide and give an empowering meaning to the circumstances of our life.
The second quote is “Every moment prepares you for the very next moment”. This quote is powerful and speaks to our ability to own the space between what happens to us and how we respond. Nelson Mandela provides a great example of this. Despite being imprisoned for 27 years for his revolutionary actions against the British Empire, he was able to look at it as a way to prepare himself for what was to come.
The third and final quote is “Your brain and body will learn to do anything and everything you consistently ask them to do. -Iuri Melo” This quote speaks to our ability to influence and control our biology, trauma and events of our life. It is important to recognize that our brain is amoral and its only purpose is to create habits and patterns. It is up to us to guide our brain to make good habits and life
enhancing patterns.
These quotes are meant to be empowering and motivating. I hope they have given you perspective, hope, optimism, motivation and energy to continue onward and upward regardless of your past, current, and future challenges.
No matter what has happened in your life, you have the power to influence and impact it and to choose to respond in better and more effective ways. With patience, let’s train that brain and body of yours to do things that are helpful, that promote trust, kindness, and goodness.
Remember that you are the meaning makers and you have the power to choose your response to the external events of your life. I hope these quotes have been liberating and empowering to you. Have a stellar week!