
Washington County Commissioners Minutes Of January 4, 2021

January 4, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet this 4th day of January 2021.

Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Lisa Collini, present; Kirk Chandler, present; and Nate Marvin, present. Also present was Lyndon Haines.
Kirk Chandler opened the meeting and Lisa Collini led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lyndon Haines gave the invocation.

Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve a Demand Warrant in the amount $2,000.00 payable to Idaho Association of Counties for the annual Litigation Fund Dues. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler read Resolution No. 21-05 establishing the mileage reimbursement rate of .56 cents per mile for the 2021 year.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve Resolution 21-05 establishing the mileage reimbursement rate for the 2021 year in the amount of .56 cents per mile. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage License No. 26 for the Weiser Lodge #1683 BPOE, Inc., doing business as Weiser Elks Lodge #1683 at 38 West Idaho Street, Weiser, Idaho. Motion carried.
Lisa Collini moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to approve Retail Alcoholic Beverage License No. 27 for Farmers Supply Co-op doing business at 622 East Commercial Street, Weiser, Idaho. Motion carried.

The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of December 28, 2020 were approved as written.

Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board. Brent presented an Annual Building Permit report to the Board for review.

Brent presented to the Board a Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement between Mark Ellingson (landowner) and Washington County for approval and signature. Ellingson plans to construct homes and barns on the landowners property located in the flood plain and contends that FEMA permits and permission are not required to do so.
Prosecuting Attorney, Delton Walker, stated the intent of the letter is to acknowledge that the County has requested the landowner to comply with FEMA regulations and the landowner declined. The landowner has signed the letter.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve and sign the Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement between Mark Ellingson (landowner) and Washington County. Motion carried.
Brent informed the Board that she had received an email from Jeff Chance stating he would like to remain on the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Marvin inquired if there were other members who needed to renew their terms of service.
Walker stated there would have to be a majority vote by the County Commissioners to allow persons to serve more than two consecutive terms on the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Walker discussed a webinar to be held on January 7, 2021 to be presented by the Attorney General’s Office regarding Open Meeting Law. Walker encouraged everyone to participate in the webinar.

Clerk, Donna Atwood, reported there will be a bond election in March for the Payette School District. Atwood also stated that the Families First Coronavirus Act that allowed 80 hours of paid time off to employees who needed time off due to COVID-19 ended on December 31, 2020. Employees needing time off after January 1, 2021 due to COVID-19 will have to use their accrued time
Assessor, Debbie Moxley-Potter, reported that she has posted a job opening in-house for an appraiser. Moxley-Potter stated that the Department of Motor Vehicles is fully staffed and is expecting the Appraiser’s Office to be fully staffed by mid-week.
Treasurer, Sabrina Young, reported that the month of December was busy for the Treasurer’s office due to tax collections. Payments received on-line and by mail have
increased over the last year. Young stated the Tax Deed process on 2017 delinquencies will begin in January. Young stated there are currently 13 parcels Pending Tax Deed this year. Demand letters on delinquent personal property and mobile homes will go out this week to those who missed the December due date.

Sheriff, Matt Thomas, met with the Board. Marvin inquired on the status of updating the waterlines in the jail. Thomas stated he needed approval of the Board in order to move forward. Thomas will email the information to the Board for approval at a later date.
There was discussion on the Entertainment Assembly Ordinance. Thomas will draft suggestions to update the ordinance.
Sheriff, Matt Thomas, and Prosecuting Attorney, Delton Walker, thanked Collini for her service as County Commissioner.

Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board. Walker informed the Board that he had spoken with Nick Reed regarding the Weiser River Music Festival. At this time, it is uncertain if the event will be held in 2021. Walker discussed holding virtual meetings and hearings in the future.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini to go into executive session at 10:03 a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1) (a & b) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office, (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student and (f) to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Motion carried unanimous. Lisa Collini, Aye; Kirk Chandler, Aye; Nate Marvin, Aye.
Kirk Chandler stated they were out of executive session at 10:30 a.m.

Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini to recess as the Board of Washington County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Lisa Collini, present; Kirk Chandler, present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Luke Smith, Ambulance District Director, met with the Board. Also present was Ambulance District Administrative Advisor, Tim Atwood.

Order No. Order 21-6.1 for payroll corrections in the amount of $309.49, Order No.21-10 for general expenses in the amount of $11,380.01 and Order No. 21-7 for payroll expenses were presented to the Board for review.
Smith reported that the District had twenty-nine calls for service last week that included five transfers, five refusals, and seven lift assists.
Smith informed the Board he is auditing calls for the District. Smith stated he has been working with the billing agencies in order to transition to Systems Design West.
Lisa Collini moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to approve Order 21-006.1 in the amount of $309.49 for payroll corrections. Motion carried.
Lisa Collini moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to approve Order 21-10 for general expenses in the amount of $11,308.01. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve Order No. 21-7 in the amount of $25,595.07 for payroll expenses. Motion carried.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve Order 21-XMAS in the amount of $874.00 for Christmas gift cards. Motion carried.
Smith reported he had checked with Peoples Furniture and Mattress Firm on pricing for twin XL mattresses. Pricing runs from $550.00 to $800.00 per mattress for the station.
Smith stated he would like to purchase three.
Smith informed the Board he would like to purchase radio straps to help protect the
radios that were purchased. Smith stated that additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will also need to be purchased for staff.
Smith discussed the need of an employee portal for time cards and track training. Smith discussed other functions that would be available through the portal. The Board requested that Smith research and report on the cost.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lisa Collini, to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Systems Design West, LLC and Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lisa Collini to approve the Business Associate Agreement between Weiser Ambulance District and Systems Designs West, LLC. Motion carried.

Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini to go into executive session at 10:50 a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1) (a & b) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office, (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Motion carried unanimous. Lisa Collini, Aye; Kirk Chandler, Aye; Nate Marvin, Aye.
Kirk Chandler stated they were out of executive session at 11:39 a.m.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Lisa Collini to recess as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners.
Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Lisa Collini, present; Kirk Chandler,
present; and Nate Marvin, present.

Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms presented Applications for Placement of Culverts/Approaches.
Kirk Chandler moved, seconded by Nate Marvin, to approve the Applications for Placement of Culverts/Approaches on Couper Lane, Weiser, Idaho for Mark Ellingson and on Gladhart Lane, Cambridge, Idaho for Bill Gladhart. Motion carried.
Marvin discussed a load of lumber that is in the right-of-way on Cove Road. Marvin
stated the trusses need to be moved.
Odoms informed the Board that the Idaho Office of Emergency Management is auditing items relating to the Snow Event in 2017.
Odoms stated he held a Safety meeting this morning with employees. Odoms reported that he plans to hold Safety meetings first week of each month.
Odoms discussed road sanding and plowing that was completed last week. One truck had been damaged while plowing and the rear end is out on another plow truck.
Several calls were received on plowing or not plowing county roads. Odoms stated there will be no plowing when less than 3 inches of snow. The group discussed procedures to be followed for sanding and plowing roads.

Motion by Kirk Chandler, seconded by Nate Marvin and unanimously carried to recess at 12:08 p.m. until January 11, 2021 at 8:45 a.m.

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners



A full audio recording of the Commissioner Meeting is available at the Clerk’s Office upon request.

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