
Weiser’s Blood Drive Donors Save Lives

By Dorothy Evans

Weiser, in partnership with the American Red Cross, held its quarterly blood drive in the Vendome on May 5. Due to an increase in staff and equipment, 80 donors (the largest May turnout in many years) were processed quickly and long wait times experienced in previous drives were alleviated.

Everyone is aware that donated blood can save a life but did you know that blood is sourced every two seconds by someone in need? Among other uses, transfusions are crucial for many accident victims, operations and childbirths while type O Negative blood has the elite distinction of saving the lives of preemies. The need for donated blood is constant.

Each unit of blood is separated by red blood cells, platelets and plasma; therefore, one unit of blood can save three lives. The blood from our Weiser drive first fills the needs of our local hospital, then area hospitals, with the excess sent throughout the country via Red Cross’ national inventory system.

First-time donors are special and we appreciate their commitment. They always arrive a little nervous but leave smiling, knowing the importance of what they did. This drive, we were fortunate to have five first-timers: Ian Ross, Jasmine Stiers, Brenden Barbot, Lesli Willet and Monica Odoms.

We are thankful for the dedication of all our donors. Those who gave their permission to print their name are: Jo Huskey, Jason Bair, Marg Chipman, Connie Lawrence, Fred Haun, Cynthia Haynes, Larry Lee, Sabrina Young, Chris McCord, Ward Sutton, Trisha Thomson, Ian Ross, Lucy Ross, Bret Karnes, Wendy Martell, Ralph Graham, Steve Cooper, Rejeana Goolsby, Tim Nijhof, Marsha Glarborg, Melisse Hiner, Martin Hiner, Kyla Dickerson, Zane Beams, Sandy Cooper, Cindy Duncan, Owen Edwards, Colleen Edwards, Hunter Mizer, Rebekah Tracy, Suzanna Hubele, Pat Sullivan, Bob Barber, Barbara Barber, Janet MacLean, Mari Bionaz, Linda Lee, Bryan Drake, Sue Slade, Patti Hartnett, Mike Hartnett, Kevin Colby, Tanja Colby, Barbara Huck, Linda McLaughlin, Steve Nakamura, Mark Christensen, Rex Winegar, Jasmine Stiers, Sherry Moore, Jessii Moser, Austen Thomason, Randy Hibberd, Ken Salzsieder, Phil Condon, Kaelyn Messersmith, Scott Ellwood, Steve Spencer, Brian Johnson, Molly Jensen, Tim Avery, Brenden Barbot, Lesli Willet, Kami Terry, Denise Wilson/Longo, Trina Nesbitt, Monica Odoms and Jeff Nauman.

The blood drive could not happen without the help of the volunteers. Blood drive coordinator, Alex Chavarria, pulls it all together by lining up and calling donors. Dorothy Evans works the registration table during the drive and enters future appointments into the database. Pat West helped at the registration table while Nickie Davies took everyone’s temperature.

Special thanks go to Patrick Nauman of Weiser Classic Candy for donating sandwiches for the donors, volunteers and workers. We are also grateful to MTE for their generous contribution that pays for supplies and WIFI.

Weiser’s next quarterly blood drive will be held in the Vendome on Wednesday, August 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Let’s keep this success rolling. Please call Alex Chavarria at 208-602-7138 or Dorothy Evans at 208-549-5589 to schedule an appointment or go on the American Red Cross website to reserve your time slot. Your blood could save a life. There’s no better way to spend an hour of your time.

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