Friends are a blessing when the doctors tell you it is time to start chemotherapy.
Alma Wolf of Fruitland was surrounded by friends on Friday, Nov. 6th 2015 as Styles Salon owner Katrina Aburto cut her hair to donate before starting chemotherapy for breast cancer on Nov. 11th 2015. When Alma was told she would lose her long white hair from chemo, she wanted to donate it to a cause.
Friends Juanita Lassiter, Shirley Ussing, and Mabel Dobbs of Angel Wings Network were there to hold her hand and celebrate with chocolate at Weiser Classic Candy after the haircut. Special thanks to Keith Bryant for capturing the memory in photos.
Alma and her husband Dan have been married 53 years and have 6 children. Dan is a prostate cancer survivor who is retired as a horse trainer. The couple enjoys restoring vintage cars. Alma is a wonderful cook and loves volunteering in the community. She has spent much of her time during the
last 2 years caring for two of her brothers whom she lost this past summer.
Alma is the oldest of 11 children. The family moved from Texas to Southwest Idaho when she was 13 years old. Family, Friends & Faith are a big part of her life and as this next journey begins, she will don her pink sunglasses and face it with the grace and commitment that she is known and loved for.