By Casey Hoskins
What is your favorite back-to-school memory? Mine is not a memory of a thing so much as it is a memory of a feeling. A deep sigh of relief is how I remember school starting again. I loved school and couldn’t wait to get back to it! All I hear now is a groan and my son muttering, “I can’t believe school starts in a week”. I can’t help but grin a little knowing it will only take a couple of weeks to get back into the routine.
School routines are the best. You know what your day is going to look like before it begins and Saturdays have that pretty glow again. I am a morning person so staying up to read stories to my kids usually resulted in my taking a nap with them until I woke up at 10pm to wander to my own bed. Reading stories to my kiddos was a joy for me so I began to read to them while they ate their breakfast. Starting the day with a story was wonderful for all of us, giving us something to chat about on the drive in as well warming up their little imaginations for the day. I think my oldest was in high school before I stopped that little part of our routine. When they were older I would occasionally hear my middle child read out loud to herself, making me smile.
I haven’t even touched on the shopping that is involved with the start of a new school year…and I’m not going to. I am still feeling the bruises on my checkbook from getting our middle one off to college. Ugh. Suffice it to say, she has what she needs and a little more. If nothing else, let’s all breathe a little sigh of relief over the simple fact that we know what the next 9 months are going to look like. It may not be easy and it will definitely be expensive but we all have a perfect track record for getting through it! Just think, fall is almost here, and that means pumpkin spice, cozy blankets, colorful leaves, homecoming, fall formal, holiday decorating….okay, sorry, we’re talking about money again. 🤦
Happy Tuesday friends!