By Linda Strain
First and foremost, thank you to all the folks from Weiser and Washington County, that attended the August 3rd meeting at the Depot in Weiser to discuss and plan for the development of an animal shelter in our community. An estimated 70 to 80 concerned citizens came out that evening to express concern for homeless displaced animals, support the cause and to learn more about what it takes to establish an official cat and dog shelter in our county. The turnout at this first ever meeting was astounding. Cheri Gordon and Charlie Prentiss headed up the meeting. Cheri has been running the cat rescue and Charlie the dog shelter up until this point and have provided a huge service to our communities, pet populations and pet parents over the past few years. With requirements of both Weiser city and Washington county animal ordinances and planning and zoning, running shelter out of their homes have become an issue that desperately needs to be solved. This was the purpose of this gathering. The numbers of concerns citizens reflect the urgent need to work together, city, county officials and residents alike to find a solution that works for our displaced pets and for all of us. “We are all in this together “. Charlie’s vision is to have a property of up to 20 acres with a 3000 to 5000 square-foot indoor facility to become a cat and dog shelter as well as a dog park. She stated, “This may be a pipe dream but it’s a start, something to work toward”. Charlie is in the process of filing for a nonprofit status for a shelter.
Amongst those in the crowd we also had representatives from our county and city who had many of the same concerns that residents have. A big thank you to Councilman Layna Hafer and Sterling Blackwell who provided insight into the animal ordinances and the zoning restrictions for Weiser city and to sheriff Matt Thomas who shared his knowledge of Washington county zoning ordinances. Chuck Green, Weiser animal control officer, was also in the crowd, and he shared his insight of the many of the issues that he faces at the Weiser Pound. All the representatives collectively said, “First you need a Plan for the facility, second you need to find a location, third research shelters in our area asking the question “how did you get through the process to make it happen”. Fourth, grants to build or remodel an established facility, a Vet to be on call or attached to the shelter, donations, partnerships. So many possibilities moving forward? The city requires zoning to be commercial while the county requires it to be zoned industrial for developing a kennel/shelter. The prospect for abandoned or empty commercial buildings or businesses are a possibility and of course there will be more public, local official and business input during the planning process. The group was encouraged to think outside of the box and if individuals knew of vacant commercial properties that would be available or people who might partner to make these contacts in the community on their own and report back to Charlie or Cheri.

Attendees were asked to sign up if they would like to be part of a planning committee. The committee will gather in a month, report back about their research results and develop a plan for the animal shelters county/city in hopes upon completion to present to officials and negotiate cooperation and approval from both government entities and the community.Overall, this was a very productive and positive gathering. Thank you to all who came out and support of our local shelters and our communities.