Commercial Street Reconstruction Project Open House at The Weiser Idaho Vendome Event Center. Grae Harper, the Project Manager from Keller Associates explains the project. The City of Weiser recently received a $2 million grant from the Idaho Transportation Department to reconstruct Commercial Street.
As the name suggests, this road is a major throughfare for commerce in Weiser, connecting the City to highway’s that transport goods and services in and out of town. This two-phase project will help provide a safe and continuous pedestrian route for residents to access the downtown area by adding a multi-use pathway and several ADA-compliant crosswalks. By reducing the width of the road, the City will save money on future maintenance activities and help direct semi-truck parking away from residential areas.
The project also includes a redesign of the S-Curve at 1st and Commercial to reduce truck speeds and increase line-of-sight distances to promote safety.
Phase 1 Summary Addition of a 10-foot multi-use pathway. Redesign of the S-curve at 1st and Commercial. New ADA-compliant cross walks. Construction expected during the summer of 2025.
Phase 2 Summary Street width reduction from E 2nd to Highway 95. Addition of a 10-foot multi-use pathway. Replacement of Monroe Street Culvert. New ADA-Compliant cross walks. Construction expected after securing additional grant funding.
The City of Weiser is committed to providing its residents a safer and more connected transportation network. To achieve this goal, the City is fostering partnerships with multi-jurisdictional transportation groups and its City Engineer, Keller Associates, to secure grant funding for projects that benefit its residents without increasing taxes.
For additional information, please contact the City (208) 414-1965