Monday, February 13th at the monthly Weiser City Council meeting the council approved an FAA grant offer of $300,000 to go towards rehabilitating the airfield pavement at the Weiser Airport. This project will be funded ninety percent by the FAA, about five percent form the State of Idaho and the City of Weiser will fund the last five percent at the cost of about $15,000.
Toby Epler, a representative of JUB Engineers, presented information on the $95,000 Engineering Agreement with JUB Engineers. Epler has been the engineer for the Weiser Airport for the last fourteen years. The City Council voted affirmative to go ahead with the $95,000 JUB Engineering Agreement that will have JUB Engineers be in charge of the project management ,design, bidding, construction services, and project close for the grant that’s associated with this year’s FAA project. The project will entail: crack filling, seal coat and remarking of the airfield. This is done every five to six years to maintain the airfield.
JUB Engineers has already initiated a design and with the City Council’s approval Epler stated, “The idea is that it will go out to bid next month…Bids open at the first of April. The project will probably be done at the request of the airport. Probably in September when usage is a little bit lower and the weather is nice.” This project will take about two weeks to accomplish and will be finished before the end of the year.