
From Our County Officials

Washington County property owners recently received their 2022 property assessment notice in the mail. The County Assessor’s office included a letter with the notice explaining how properties are assessed. County Officials would like to provide additional information to answer questions that have been asked and invite individuals to contact the County with any further questions.

Have property values increased in Washington County? Yes, in some property categories more than others. The average property assessment value increase from 2021 to 2022 in the following four property categories is: Residential 30%, Industrial 7%, Commercial 3% and Agricultural 1.7%. Why have values increased? Our county is experiencing growth and that coupled with low inventory in housing has created an environment of increased residential values. How much has the County Budget increased over time? In fiscal year 2017 the total County budget was $13,125,061. Of that total budget amount $4,655,495 was levied in property taxes. For current fiscal year 2022 the County budget is $17,700,864. Of that total budget amount $5,864,557 was levied in property taxes. This is a total increase of $1,209,062 or 26% over the course of six years. This is an average increase of 4.34% each year. What does the County do with all the property tax money they collect? The County Clerk and Treasurer remit property tax collections to not only the County but also the other 19 Taxing Districts within Washington County. Each of these Taxing Districts levy property taxes in order to provide services to the citizens. This includes School Districts, Cities, Fire Districts, Hospital, Ambulance, Cemetery Districts, Library Districts, Highway Districts, and Flood Control. Each Taxing District including the County holds an annual budget hearing to review and set their new fiscal year budget. The public is encouraged to attend these budget hearings. Notice of these budget hearings may be found on your annual assessment notice, online at under the County Assessor’s page, and published in the local paper. Washington County will hold their budget hearing for fiscal year 2023 on August 29, 2022 at 9:30 am in the Commissioners Room at the County Courthouse.

Do you know what services the County is required to provide per State Statue? Here is a condensed list: Law Enforcement including a jail, a Court system, Prosecution, Juvenile Services, Probation Services (Adult and Juvenile), Drivers Licenses, Civil Services, Public Defense, Non-Medical Indigent Care, Property Assessment, Collect taxes, fees and specials assessments, provide Solid Waste Collections, Planning and Zoning, County Road and Bridge Operations, Conduct Elections, record legal documents, Vehicle registration and titling, Extension services, and County Fair operations. All of these services are funded partially through property tax dollars. The County budget is also funded through other sources of revenue including fees, grants, as well as State and Federal funding. In addition to providing mandated services the County also provides assistance to nonprofit organizations such as the local Senior Centers, Veterans Services, Rose Advocates, WICAP/Homemaker programs, Economic Development, Historical Society/Museums, Soil Conservation, and Animal Damage Control.

County Officials have a sincere desire to serve and provide transparency. Please reach out to your County Officials if you have questions or concerns.

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