
From Weiser School Superintendent

School is just around the corner as the first day of school for students is Thursday, August 19th.

Important opening dates include:
Aug. 12th – Weiser High School registration for seniors and juniors
Aug. 13th – Weiser High School registration for sophomores, freshmen, and new HS students
Aug. 17th – Back to School Night for Park School (5:30 pm) & Weiser Middle School (6:30 pm)
Aug. 18th – Pioneer School student orientation
Sept. 6th – Labor Day (no school)
Sept. 10th

  • Homecoming
    The WSD COVID-19 Response Plan 2021-22 can be found on the District website at
    Our goal is offer full-time in-person learning this year for all students. To that end, it is
    imperative that everyone works together and that we take personal responsibility to maintain safe conditions for all. Those who show signs of illness, demonstrate symptoms associated with COVID-19, or who have had close contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive or suspected of having COVID-19 should follow the guidance of their health care provider, the CDC, or other trusted health care professionals in order to ensure that they avoid potential transmission to others.
    It is critical that each of us continue using excellent hygiene practices such as frequent hand washing, using proper coughing or sneezing techniques, and staying home if we do not feel well.
    As of this writing the Board of Trustees strongly recommends that those who are not fully
    vaccinated or who have immunity for COVID-19 wear a mask at all times when inside school facilities. The CDC currently recommends masking, regardless of vaccination status, for all people when they are inside buildings in areas of high transmission. At this time masks ARE NOT required for any students, staff, or patrons in our schools.
    We are excited a welcome a crop of new staff to the WSD this fall. Each of them will bring
    something special to their new positions. New staff in very visible positions include:
     Retired Lt. Col., US Air Force, Kenneth Dewlen – WMS Principal
     Dr. Sarah Hatfield – Pioneer School Principal
     Wendy Clark – lead teacher at Indianhead Academy
     Sean Thompson – IT specialist

We are thrilled to move forward with expanded programming this year. This fall we are able to reinstate full-time kindergarten as an option for all kindergarten students, offer music for both grades at Park School, and return to in-person learning at Indianhead Academy. We are planning for new learning opportunities in our brand new computer lab at WMS, and are excited to offer new opportunities at WHS in the area of performing arts.
We’ve received good news. The WSD qualifies this year for another COVID-19 targeted waiver from the USDA that will allow us to provide meals (breakfast and lunch) to students who are enrolled in the WSD at no cost to the child. The current waiver does not extend beyond enrolled students, so we are no longer allowed to continue with the community serve line at Weiser Middle School or provide no cost meals to those who are not enrolled in the Weiser School District. However, we strongly encourage ALL parents to complete an application for Free and Reduced Meals and submit it to their child’s school as soon as possible. Last year one of the
federal requirements for receiving a P-EBT Card was having a completed Free and Reduced Meal form on file with the student’s school district.
The first day for fall sports at WHS was Monday, August 9th, and the first fall contests are as follows:
 Aug. 21st – cross country at McCall

 Aug. 23rd – boys and girls soccer vs Emmett (boys at home and girls away)

 Aug. 25th – volleyball at home vs Vale

 Aug. 26th – varsity football at home against Buhl

We anticipate that we may be hiring substitute teachers, bus drivers, custodians, and kitchen staff as we begin this year. We encourage anyone who has an interest in joining our great team, supporting schools, and making a positive difference in the lives of our kids to inquire about open positions at the school district office (925 Pioneer Road or 208-414-0616). Working in our hometown schools is a wonderful way to make a positive impact in our community.
I’m excited to kick off our new school year and I look forward to your continued support.
Remember, we are all WOLVERINES!
Wade Wilson, Superintendent

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